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Theoretical physics, nanoscale protein dynamics, and neutrons

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1 Theoretical physics, nanoscale protein dynamics, and neutrons
David J E Callaway

2 Overdamped, creeping motions
Protein motion—low Reynolds number Overdamped, creeping motions Badminton at bottom of swimming pool filled with molasses (low Re) NOT Titanic crossing Atlantic (high Re) Theoretical physics is important! 2

3 Mobility tensor v = H F H is the mobility tensor, and yields the velocity of a domain given the force applied on it or another subunit. NSE yields H, given structure. (Bu et al, PNAS, 2005) 3

4 Effective diffusion constant measured by NSE can be easily calculated
(random coil cumulants of Akcasu and Gurol evolved by us into theory of protein dynamics ) (L= Q x r ) ONLY inputs are D0 + structure + domain boundaries

5 for N identical domains connected by springs
We show by good old theoretical physics Deff(Q→∞) = 2 x Deff(Q=0) for a uniform rigid body, but can become as large as Deff(Q→∞) = 2N x Deff(Q=0) N = 2 for N identical domains connected by springs

6 NSE from Farago et al Biophys J 2010
NSE dynamics of (unbound) NHERF1 alone is well described by a rigid-body model PDZ1 PDZ2 CT NHERF1 NSE from Farago et al Biophys J 2010 Only inputs to calculations are diffusion constant and SANS coordinates—no need to fit NSE data or use MD! 6

7 Callaway et al, JMB 2017 A B Molecular nanomachinery! FERM EBD FERM
PDZ1 PDZ2 EBD B CT EBD CT FERM PDZ1 PDZ2 Figure 1. Controllable activation of nanoscale dynamics in the disordered C-tail of NHERF1 alters binding kinetics to FERM. (A) Domain organization of NHERF1. The full-length protein consists of PDZ1, PDZ2, disordered C-terminal tail (CT), EBD (magenta), and S339/S340 (red). Shown is the activation of tip of whip motion in the phosphomimic mutant revealed by NSE. Structure model was generated using the NMR structures of PDZ1 (PDB code: xxx), PDZ2 (xxx), EBD (xxx), and SANS data using the program EOM (ref). (B) FERM (gold color) binding induces EBD (magenta) to adopt a helical conformation in the complex. The structure of EBD bound to FERM is from the crystal structure PDB code: 2d10 ref.XX. Structure model of the complex was generated using the known high-resolution domain structures, and SANS data. The graphics were generated using the program UCSF Chimera (ref). Locate moving part (frog tongue) by NSE Molecular nanomachinery! 7

8 A B C Figure 4. NSE spectra as at different Q values for NHERF1(S339D/S340D) in (A) 150 mM NaCl, and (B) 150 mM NaCll, 20 mM dTris (pD=7.5) D2O buffer solution. (C) NSE measured Deff(Q) as a function of Q for NHERF1(S339D/S340D) in 300 mM NaCl (Black) and 150 mM NaCl (red), and 20 mM dTris (pD=7.5) D2O solution. Open black circle is the center-of-mass diffusion constant Do. The black lines are the Deff(Q) calculated from two sets of represented structural coordinates assuming rigid-body diffusion. The red lines are calculated Deff(Q) assuming motion near the “KRAP” motif. 8

9 NO large scale simulations or network models
Take-home message: Can easily calculate Deff(Q) from: structure + diffusion constant + domain boundaries NO curve fitting NO large scale simulations or network models AND use it to characterize protein motion by NSE ! Theoretical (physics) approaches can be highly useful !

10 And a cast of hundreds from
ORNL ILL CCNY Juelich Stanford ….

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