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The Role of Baryons in Strong Lensing properties of Simulated Clusters

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1 The Role of Baryons in Strong Lensing properties of Simulated Clusters
Madhura Killedar INAF-UniTS arXiv: ongoing Collaborators  Stefano Borgani (UniTS-INAF)  Massimo Meneghetti (INAF, Bologna)  Dunja Fabjan (SPACE-SI, Ljubljana)  Luca Tornatore (UniTS-INAF)  Klaus Dolag (MPA)

2 Giant Arcs CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept 2012 Madhura Killedar

3 Strong Lensing efficiency
3 Strong Lensing efficiency How many giant arcs? Add Einstein radius Eqn for axisymmetric lens E = Einstein radius How far apart? CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

4 … and a niggling problem with LCDM
4 Testing cosmology … and a niggling problem with LCDM No cosmological constant preferred over LCDM? Clusters not selected self- consistently? Uncertainties in source properties? Simulations not realistic enough? Bartelmann et al 1998 CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

5 Baryons in Simulations
Puchwein et al 2005 Mead et al 2010 Baryons in Simulations The inclusion of baryonic processes have been shown to affect strong lensing predictions Rozo et al 2008 L/W CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

6 New Simulation Set Planelles et al (in prep) SPH code GADGET-3 (Springel 2005) 29 Lagrangian regions around massive z=0 clusters re-simulated at improved resolution (Tormen et al 2005) 4 flavours of simulations with the same clusters: one of these includes AGN Feedback Clusters: M > 3x1014 Msun 17 of 42 clusters relaxed at z=0.25 14 of 34 clusters relaxed at z=0.5 CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

7 Glossary Simulation description DM Dark matter only NR
DM+gas: Non-radiative gas CSF DM+gas: UV heating, Metallicity-dependent gas cooling, star formation, chemical evolution, stellar feedback AGN As above + AGN feedback (Springel et al 2005; Sijacki et al 2007) DM NR CSF AGN There is a counterpart of each cluster in each simulation CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

8 Same cluster: before and after baryons
8 Same cluster: before and after baryons CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

9 (don’t) assume a spherical cow
9 (don’t) assume a spherical cow Image caustics (a.k.a. critical curves) aren’t circular MACS J Zitrin et al 2011 CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

10 (don’t) assume a spherical cow
10 (don’t) assume a spherical cow We see different caustics when we view the same cluster along different lines of sight CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

11 (don’t) assume a spherical cow
11 (don’t) assume a spherical cow Find a good histo for ER, try g334 We measure different Einstein radii when we view the same cluster along different lines of sight We analyse 50 lines of sight through each cluster CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

12 Einstein radius pmin pmax DM - NR 0.11 1 CSF <10-4 AGN 0.93
KS-test vs DM pmin pmax DM - NR 0.11 1 CSF <10-4 AGN 0.93 Einstein radius AGN predict similar Einstein radii to DM counterpart Einstein radii are good proxies for mass at large overdensities CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

13 The distribution of stellar mass
Stacked density profiles of relaxed clusters Stellar mass dominates in the core Reduced stellar (and total) mass CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

14 Mass profiles and typical Einstein radii
… but compare this to the scale of typical Einstein radii DM NR CSF AGN DM NR CSF AGN stacked cumulative profiles reveal central mass affected by baryonic physics … Agrees with Puchwein+ ‘05, Duffy+ ‘10, Mead+ ‘10, Martizzi+ ‘12 CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

15 What about other sub-samples?
zL=0.25 Higher significance in the increased lensing efficiency of CSF vs DM Only the lowest SL efficiency events are affected by AGN zs=1 Smaller Einstein radii (as expected) AGN clusters have only slightly larger Einstein radii than DM Unrelaxed clusters Produce complex caustics Usually smaller Einstein radii (for fixed virial mass) Boost in Einstein radii when substructure fortuitously placed CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

16 Einstein radius (effects of dynamical state)
16 Einstein radius (effects of dynamical state) CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

17 The MACS z>0.5 sample Ebeling et al (2007) Strong lensing mass reconstruction is complete (Zitrin et al 2011); see Einstein radii in Meneghetti et al 2011 11 of 12 MACS clusters are at 0.5<z<0.6 (one at z=0.7) Comparison with our z=0.5 clusters is underway; z=0.6 clusters to follow fX>10-12 erg s-1 cm-2 fX -> LX -> MΔ? (NO! Luminosity is being mis-interpreted) So use LX,AGN to select clusters (from AGN-sim and counterparts) CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

18 Previous tests with MACS z>0.5
Zitrin et al 2011 Meneghetti et al 2011 Previous tests with MACS z>0.5 Horesh et al 2011 Previous works found that z>0.5 MACS are stronger lenses than simulated clusters CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

19 Mock Sample MACS KS-test E,mock E,MACS
CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar

20 LX,AGN > LX,cut In all mock samples E,mock/E,MACS < 1 20
12% of mock samples p < 0.05 38% of mock samples p < 0.05 6% of mock samples p < 0.05 12% of mock samples p < 0.05 CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

21 LX,AGN > LX,cut and relaxed
No mock samples have p<0.05 when compared to MACS Almost all mock samples have p>0.5 21 0.81< E,mock/E,MACS<1.12 0.8< E,mock/E,MACS<1.1 0.2 < p < 1.0 0.2 < p < 1.0 0.85< E.mock/E,MACS<1.13 0.8< E.mock/E,MACS<1.1 0.3 < p < 1.0 0.2 < p < 1.0 CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

22 Summary Baryons play an important role in strong lensing predictions, *BUT* AGN feedback returns lensing predictions to levels similar to DM-only simulations (for z=0.5 clusters!) The most realistic simulations have more mass within 3% Rvir but Einstein radii are typically larger (projection dependent) Triaxiality and mergers/substructures complicate the significance of any test MACS z>0.5 (and CLASH) provide ideal candidates for comparison but we must take care to select clusters appropriately (by luminosity, not mass). Preliminary results for z=0.5 suggest that mock samples do not differ significantly from MACS - let’s see how z=0.6 mock samples do! CosmoComp Meeting Trieste Italy Sept Madhura Killedar 11/01/2019

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