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Animals including Humans

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1 Animals including Humans
Year 6 Lesson 5 LI: To recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function

2 What do you need to be healthy?
Input What do you need to be healthy? Ask the children what they already know about being healthy. Remind children about what they learnt in year 3- food groups, balanced diet, exercise. What do these do to the body? What are the short and long term effects of exercise?

3 Exercise – helps to keep your heart and lungs healthy.
Staying Healthy Diet – eating a balanced diet can ensure that you maintain your health as too much fat can lead to a build up of cholesterol in your arteries leading to heart attacks and strokes. Exercise – helps to keep your heart and lungs healthy.

4 What causes detrimental effects on the body?
It is not only our diet and amount of exercise that can cause harm to the body. What else can cause harm to the body?

5 Damaging the body Today we will be focusing on four drugs that cause damage to the body: Tobacco Alcohol Caffeine Solvents Ask the children if they have heard of any of these. What do they know about them?

6 Activity You will be put in groups to research one of these drugs; tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and solvents. You need to answer the following questions: What is the drug? What is it found in? What is the effect on the body? What are the short and long term effects to the body? Children can present their work as a poster/leaflet/presentation.

7 Plenary Peer Pressure Discuss with the children the idea of peer pressure. Role play a situation of being offered a cigarette or some alcohol and how to say no.

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