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For today, 10/27 Take a sheet of paper out for notes – you can title it “U.S. Government”

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Presentation on theme: "For today, 10/27 Take a sheet of paper out for notes – you can title it “U.S. Government”"— Presentation transcript:

1 For today, 10/27 Take a sheet of paper out for notes – you can title it “U.S. Government”

2 United States Government
We are a federal republic based on the Constitution. What does that mean? What do federal and republic mean?

3 Role of the U.S. Constitution
Constitution is our “law of the land” Bill of Rights: first 10 amendments

4 Organization of U.S. Government
Federal Government Legislative: power to make laws (legislate) Judicial: power to interpret laws (judge) Executive: power to carry out the laws (execute) State and Local Governments 10th Amendment: states can JEL their own laws Local examples: gambling legal in LA, not in TX; League City can fine for water use; marijuana is legal prescription in CA Separation of Powers: a system of checks and balances (no one branch can become too powerful)

5 Representative Democracy
Democracy: rule by people Representative Democracy People vote for representatives (state & federal level) Federal Representatives: Senator John Cornyn Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Representative Randy Weber U.S. Representative Pete Olson State Representatives: Senator Larry Taylor State Rep. Greg Bonnen State Rep. John E. Davis State Rep. Craig Eiland

6 Electing our President
Case Study: Election Popular Vote Results 50,996,582 50,456,062

7 Electoral College People vote for electors 2000 E.C. Results
Electors vote for president 2000 E.C. Results Bush: 271 Gore: 266 Number of electoral votes is based on state population; the more people, the more votes.

8 * The number of electoral votes a state gets is determined by its population. The larger the population, the more electoral votes. * 538 total electoral votes California: 55 Texas: 38 Florida and NY: 29 (each)

9 Who would you vote for? Write down a “1” or a “2” for each statement. Pick the statement you MOST agree with. Do not talk! You will have a total of 7 different issues.

10 Who would you vote for? #1: Abortion: Pro-life. Abortion should only be legal in cases of incest, rape, or when the mother’s life is endangered. #2: Abortion: Pro-choice. Supports women’s right to choose to abort.

11 Who would you vote for? #1: Death penalty: Supports. #2: Death penalty: Very cautious; should only be reserved for heinous crimes.

12 Who would you vote for? #1: Gun Control: Believes in the second amendment right for all citizens to “bear arms.” #2: Gun Control: Agrees to the principle of the second amendment right to “bear arms,” but does not think it is an absolute right – rather, one that is negotiable.

13 Who would you vote for? #1: Gay Marriage: Does not support the marriage of gay couples; marriage should only be between different-sex couples. #2: Health Care: Support gay marriage; marriage does not have to be limited to different-sex couples.

14 Who would you vote for? #1: Marijuana: 100% illegal. Is against allowing it to be used for medicinal use under a doctor’s prescription. #2: Marijuana: Mostly illegal. Supports allowing it to be used for medicinal use under a doctor’s prescription.

15 Who would you vote for? #1: Minimum Wage: Minimum wage should be increased when a systematic form of measurement indicates a rise in the cost of living. #2: Minimum Wage: Minimum wage should be increased when deemed necessary by the legislative and executive branches.

16 Who would you vote for? #1: Favorite TV Shows: Modern Family, 30 Rock, Friday Night Lights #2: Favorite TV Shows: Sportscenter, Modern Family, Homeland

17 Add up your 1s and 2s… You should have more of one particular number

18 The Groups: How the U.S. Electoral College Works
Aces: Electors! Popular Votes Spades Hearts Diamonds Clubs

19 The Votes and Voters 1 Electoral Votes: Ace of Hearts
* The number of electoral votes a state gets is determined by its population. The larger the population, the more electoral votes. * 538 total electoral votes California: 55 Texas: 38 Florida and NY: 29 (each) 1 Electoral Votes: Ace of Hearts Hearts 3 Electoral Votes: Ace of Spades Spades 5 Electoral Votes: Ace of Clubs Clubs 8 Electoral Votes: Ace of Diamonds Diamonds

20 The Results #1s: Mitt Romney # 2s: Barack Obama

21 Quick Pulse Check Go to Socrative, ROOM

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