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Key Idea: Meiosis differs from Mitosis…Why

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1 Key Idea: Meiosis differs from Mitosis…Why
Section 7-1 Meiosis Key Idea: Meiosis differs from Mitosis…Why

2 Objectives: You will be able to:
Summarize the events that occur during meiosis Compare to the events of mitosis

3 Meiosis Meiosis cuts the number of chromosomes in half.
Forms specialized reproductive cells Gametes, spores Meiosis I and II

4 Meiosis I Prophase I Metaphase I Chromosomes condense
Nuclear envelope breaks down Crossing-over occurs Sections of the homologous chromosomes are exchanged Metaphase I Homologous chromosomes move to the equator of the cell

5 Meiosis I Anaphase I Telophase I Homologous chromosomes separate
Chromosomes are moved to opposite poles Chromatids do not separate at centromeres Telophase I Nuclear membrane reforms Cytoplasm divides Two new cells are formed

6 Meiosis II News cells undergo another division
Chromosomes do not replicate between meiosis I and II Prophase II New spindle forms Metaphase II Chromosomes line up at equator

7 Meiosis II Anaphase II Telophase II Result: Four haploid cells
Centromeres divide Chromatids move to opposite poles Telophase II Nuclear envelope forms Cytokinesis Result: Four haploid cells


9 Independent Assortment
Each gamete receives one chromosome from each of the 23 pairs. Random distribution Each of the 23 pairs segregates independently About 8 million (223) different gene combinations

10 Crossing-over Adds more recombination
Number of possible outcomes of offspring is about 64 trillion.

11 Importance of genetic variation
Increases rate of evolution Breeding programs eventually reduce genetic variability Evolution is both revolutionary and conservative What does this mean?


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