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6.00 Proofread and Correct Errors in Keyed Copies.

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Presentation on theme: "6.00 Proofread and Correct Errors in Keyed Copies."— Presentation transcript:

1 6.00 Proofread and Correct Errors in Keyed Copies.

2 What is Proofreading? Proofreading is the process of comparing a copy on screen or paper to the original copy and marking errors for correction. Proofreaders Marks Marks that are used to correct a copy Where is the errro?

3 Proofreader’s Marks

4 Ways to Proofread Use the software’s spell checker
Remember that all errors may not be detected such as: Names & addresses that are not in the computer’s dictionary Homonyms that are not misspelled but merely misused (they’re/their/there) Numbers that can only be verified by checking the original copy Repeated words or omitted words Formatting errors such as incorrect paragraph indentions or incorrect spacing between lines or words Punctuation or capitalization errors

5 Ways to Proofread Read soft copy (on the monitor screen)
Read the keyed document on the screen slower than usual before printing. Check all numbers and spellings of questionable words with the original copy. Pay close attention to the first few lines and the last few lines of your document. Errors are easily overlooked in both places.

6 Ways to Proofread Read from hard copy (printed copy)
Read the printed copy again very carefully to determine if it makes sense. Look for formatting and alignment errors.

7 Ways to Proofread Switch with a partner
If keyed material consists of difficult words and numbers, ask someone to read the original copy to you while you check the keyed copy.

8 Proofreading Guidelines
Slow Down Proofread word by word Proofread for spelling, punctuation, and grammar Proofread for meaning Proofread for proper format (vertical and horizontal placement and overall appearance of your document) Revise and correct errors if needed

9 Capitalization Guidelines
Capitalize the pronoun I, proper nouns, and the first word of a sentence. Capitalize names of days, months, holidays, and religious days – but not the seasons of the year. Capitalize titles that precede names. Capitalize North, South, East, West when they are in an address, part of a proper noun, and when they refer to specific regions.

10 Punctuation Spacing Guidelines
Space once after a comma and a semicolon. Space once after a period used with initials, titles, and most abbreviations. Space twice after a colon and after punctuation at the end of a sentence (period, question mark, and exclamation point) Do not space before or after a slash/diagonal, a hyphen, or a dash. Space once before an opening parenthesis; do not space after it. Space once after a closing parenthesis () do not space before it.

11 Subject/Verb Agreement Guidelines
A verb must agree with its subject in number and person. The letter S is usually added to a verb to indicate the third person singular. Phrases and clauses between subject and verb do not affect the number of the verb. Use a singular verb after a phrase beginning with one of or one of the. Use a plural verb immediately after the phrases one of {the or those people} who and one of the {items} that because that particular verb refers to the or those people or items. If the subject consists of two words connected by and or by both….and, the subject is plural and requires a plural verb. If a subject consisting of two nouns connected by and refers to the same person or thing or is preceded by each, every, many a, or many an, a singular verb is used.

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