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Bellwork 8/13 &14/2014 Take out a piece of notebook paper

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1 Bellwork 8/13 &14/2014 Take out a piece of notebook paper
Write your name, class period and date on the top right hand corner of your notebook paper Copy down the example on the board on how to number your paper and label your paper ** Next: Lab safety rap

2 Measurement introduction
Earth and Space Science Chapter 1

3 Introduction Measurments
Common SI Units Property Basic Unit Symbol Length meter m Liquid volume liter L Mass gram g Temperature degree Celsius °C Measurements are also important in science because they provide important specific information and help observers avoid bias. Measuring is comparing an object or process to a standard.

4 Measure: Length Length is the distance between two points. Length is usually measured with rulers. Examine the metric ruler diagramed below. Notice that the labeled units are in centimeters (cm). Small vertical lines separate each centimeter into 10 sections.

5 Measure: Liquid Volume
The volume of an object is the amount of space it takes up. You will often measure the volume of liquids using a graduated cylinder. Always read a graduated cylinder at eye level. Also, water in a graduated cylinder has a curved surface called the meniscus. Read the volume at the bottom of the meniscus.

6 Measure: Temperature Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is. In science, you will measure temperature with a Celsius thermometer like the one at the right. The correct unit for readings on this thermometer is °C

7 Bellwork 8/15/2014 Today you will be creating a lab safety dos and don’t poster. Sit quietly and brainstorm on a lab safety rule you can create a poster on

8 After Activity: You will be creating a do & don’t lab safety poster
You will do the following: Choose a lab safety issue You will make it neat and colorful One side of your poster will show the wrong way to do something during a lab One side of your poster will demonstrate the correct way to do it Add a title to your poster Put your full name and class period on the back of the poster

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