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8th EnKF Workshop Discussion.

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1 8th EnKF Workshop Discussion

2 Limits to EnKF: Great progress over the last 10 years thanks to ensemble based data assimilation. limits: model error (boundary layer + stratosphere microphysics). How to deal with slowly evolving model error?

3 Hybrids Ensemble size: we would like to use very large ensembles with members or more. How to obtain such a big ensemble efficiently? Mix-resolution ensembles? ETLM? An alternative is the use of hybrids. Does this work at high resolution?

4 Radar The direct assimilation of radar observations with forward operators based on our best microphysics has a only modest impact beyond 6h. The Frankenstate directly links the radar image with a best member. Is this a good way to avoid the complexity of microphysics in data- assimilation and have longer lasting impacts?

5 Particle filters Are non-Gaussian issues best solved using particle filters? How many particles should we have? 1000? Should we use iterative smoother algorithms or particle filters to link radar measurements with large-scale precursors of precipitation?

6 B-localization B-localization seems to give best result.
In EnKF formulations this is expensive (factor of 10). Is it worth it? Study by Mitchell showed the main problem for AMSU-A data assimilation is the structure of B, not the localization. What would create deep modes in B? Should we sample uncertainty in bias correction? Something else? Should we do a Principal Component Analysis of radiance observations and does this affect the above?

7 System (aka model) error
Many different ways to account for system error are in use: RTPP, RTPS, Additive covariance inflation, adaptive multiplicative inflation. Schemes are often combined and used in an engineering fashion (tuned for optimal results). A few schemes are/seem “physically informed”: SKEB, randomized transport. No schemes feed back to system/model improvement. How to connect system error simulation with system development?

8 Forecast sensitivity to observations
Should system error parameterizations (additive inflation, RTPP, etc. ) be undone?

9 Next workshop Any suggestions for a 9th EnKF workshop?
Issue of having too many similar meetings. The EnKF workshop is every two years. ISDA every year. Also note the yearly Bergen workshop for a slightly different crowd (oceanography + oil reservoir modeling).

10 Closure

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