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1 UNIT 1

2 To corrupt; to leave in poorer quality by adding something inferior
Adulterate Verb 1

3 Equally skillful with both hands
Ambidextrous Adjective Equally skillful with both hands 2

4 To make something greater by adding to it
Augment Verb To make something greater by adding to it 3

5 Sorrowful through loss or deprivation
Bereft Adjective Sorrowful through loss or deprivation 4

6 To move troops into position for military action
Deploy Verb To move troops into position for military action 5

7 Relentlessly severe, appearing gloomy or sour
Dour Adjective 6

8 Courage in pain or adversity
Fortitude Noun Courage in pain or adversity 7

9 To be or become wide open
Gape Verb To be or become wide open 8

10 An insulting or mocking remark; a taunt
Gibe (Jibe) Verb 9

11 General external appearance; semblance
Guise Noun General external appearance; semblance 10

12 Spreading in a hidden and often harmful way
Insidious Adjective Spreading in a hidden and often harmful way 11

13 A hint or direct suggestion
Intimation Noun A hint or direct suggestion 12

14 Opulent Adjective Lavish, rich, luxurious 13

15 Easily bent or flexible
Pliable Adjective Easily bent or flexible 14

16 To say, state, or perform again
Reiterate Verb To say, state, or perform again 15

17 Dull, unresponsive, showing little excitement or motivation
Stolid Adjective 16

18 Tentative Adjective Uncertain 17

19 Having an untidy or messy appearance
Unkempt Adjective Having an untidy or messy appearance 18

20 In exactly the same words as were originally used
Verbatim Adverb In exactly the same words as were originally used 19

21 Warily Adverb Cautiously, carefully 20

22 UNIT 3

23 Abridge Verb To make shorter 1

24 “Andrew decided to abridge the instructions on how to bait the hook because he was fed up with Brantley not listening to him. 1

25 Attached or sticking to
Adherent Noun Attached or sticking to 2

26 “Austin was an adherent to the Dale Earnhardt style of racing.”

27 Altercation Noun An angry argument 3

28 “Mr. Ray told Hunter not to get into any more altercations in the classroom.”

29 Resembling a young angel with a beautiful, round face; sweet and innocent
Cherubic Adjective 4

30 “Even though they were angry about their grades, Mr
“Even though they were angry about their grades, Mr. Ray’s cherubic face won the whole class over.” 4

31 Condone Verb To pardon or overlook 5

32 “I cannot condone Josh’s pleas to take a nap in class every day.”

33 Dissent Verb To disagree 6

34 “Alexa dissented from the popular opinion that cheerleading is not a sport.”

35 Famous, outstanding, distinguished
Eminent Adjective Famous, outstanding, distinguished 7

36 “Nate claims to be an eminent authority on how to spend one’s time on the weekend.”

37 To drive out by spiritual means; to dispose of something troublesome
Exorcise Verb 8

38 “I hope that we will soon exorcise the idea that you can do nothing in class and still pass.”

39 To make or manufacture; to make up or invent
Fabricate Verb To make or manufacture; to make up or invent 9

40 “April fabricated a new method of studying for her vocab tests.”

41 Irate Adjective Extremely angry 10

42 “The students were irate over having to start their Literacy for All essay.”

43 Marauder Noun A raider or a plunderer 11

44 “Harry studied the Marauder’s Map to see if he could sneak down the hall or not.”

45 Obesity Noun Excessive weight 12

46 “Obesity can lead to a number of health problems like heart disease and high blood pressure.”

47 An extremely poor person
Pauper Noun An extremely poor person 13

48 “Olivia’s favorite book growing up was The Prince and The Pauper, about a poor man who became royalty for a day.” 13

49 To steal in small quantities
Pilfer Verb To steal in small quantities 14

50 If Mr. Ray had his way, he would pilfer your free time with lots of homework!”

51 Rift Noun A break or a breach 15

52 “The two friends used to be close, but after one of them moved, a rift formed between them.”

53 A likeness or an outward appearance
Semblance Noun A likeness or an outward appearance 16

54 “We have to make sure to at least maintain a semblance of order in the classroom.”

55 To overcome or rise above
Surmount Verb To overcome or rise above 17

56 “If your grade is not where you want it to be, surmount your current situation and bring it up!”

57 Terminate Verb To bring to an end 18

58 “Terminate any ideas that you may have of Auburn beating Alabama this year.”

59 Commonplace, overused, stale
Trite Adjective Commonplace, overused, stale 19

60 “Baby shark has become trite and overused.”

61 To seize and hold a position by force and without right
Usurp Verb 20

62 “On the last vocab quiz, several students drew pictures of Mr
“On the last vocab quiz, several students drew pictures of Mr. Sherrell usurping Mr. Ray’s job.” 20

63 Take out the “Rose for Emily” pictures that you were working on last week. If you turned them in, get them back from Mr. Sherrell.

64 UNIT 4

65 Associated with or connected
Affiliated Adjective Associated with or connected 1

66 “I would never be affiliated with someone who thinks that Pepsi is better than Coke.”

67 To learn or discover with certainty
Ascertain Verb To learn or discover with certainty 2

68 “From your writing, I have ascertained that you like Pepsi more than Coke.”

69 To arrive at a new stage or level
Attain Verb To arrive at a new stage or level 3

70 “I attained a new level of culture when I tried the Coke flight at the World of Coke in Orlando.”

71 To leave or give in a will after one’s death
Bequeath Verb To leave or give in a will after one’s death 4

72 “If I knew the secret Coke recipe, I would bequeath it to you after I died so that you could continue making the excellence.” 4

73 Powerfully persuasive
Cogent Adjective Powerfully persuasive 5

74 “After Josh’s particularly cogent speech, I decided I would try Pepsi after all.”

75 To come together to form a single product
Converge Verb To come together to form a single product 6

76 “Everyone converged on the restroom to check on me after Josh made me try Pepsi.”

77 To move away from each other
Disperse Verb To move away from each other 7

78 “After everyone checked on me in the bathroom, they quickly dispersed so as not to hear the sound of me returning my Pepsi to the world.” 7

79 The condition of being honored
Esteem Noun The condition of being honored 8

80 “I never have before, nor do I now hold Pepsi in high esteem.”

81 Remove by erasing or crossing out
Expunge Verb Remove by erasing or crossing out 9

82 “I hope that Coke knows I was only trying to be cordial in trying Pepsi and will expunge my guilt.”

83 Finite Adjective Bounded or limited 10

84 “I only have a finite number of sentences that I can make about Coke.”

85 Invulnerable Adjective Immune from attack 11

86 “My love for Coke is invulnerable to Pepsi’s sly ways.”

87 Wishing evil upon others
Malevolent Adjective Wishing evil upon others 12

88 “My malevolent attitude continues for people who try to make me drink Pepsi.”

89 Cool or confident; unconcerned
Nonchalant Adjective Cool or confident; unconcerned 13

90 “Trey nonchalantly brought up Pepsi in the conversation today.”

91 Omniscient Adjective All-knowing 14

92 “Because I’m not omniscient, I couldn’t know that he would trigger me by talking about it.”

93 An answer to all problems; a cure-all
Panacea Noun An answer to all problems; a cure-all 15

94 “If Paige would stop talking about Pepsi, it would be a panacea to all of the world’s ills.”

95 Very attentive to details so as not to do wrong
Scrupulous Adjective Very attentive to details so as not to do wrong 16

96 “If Brantley/Brayden were more scrupulous, he wouldn’t talk about Pepsi so much.”

97 To avoid responsibility; to keep out of sight
Skulk Verb To avoid responsibility; to keep out of sight 17

98 “It’s like Pepsi is skulking in the shadows, waiting to ambush you.”

99 Supercilious Adjective Arrogant superiority 18

100 “Paige is so supercilious when she talks about Pepsi and degrades Coke

101 Beyond what is natural or normal
Uncanny Adjective Beyond what is natural or normal 19

102 “I’ve never seen someone love Pepsi so much; it’s uncanny!”

103 Easily excused or forgiven
Venial Adjective Easily excused or forgiven 20

104 “Your love of Pepsi is venial, so I’ll forgive you this time, but just remember that in the future.”

105 UNIT 5

106 Unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others
Altruistic Adjective Unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others 1

107 The waitress at City Café showed her altruistic side when she quickly refilled my cup of sweet tea.

108 Assent Verb To express agreement 2

109 When the City Café waitress asked if I wanted any more sweet tea, I quickly assented.

110 One who does good to others
Benefactor Noun One who does good to others 3

111 I called the City Café waitress, after she refilled my sweet tea, my gracious benefactor.

112 Marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly
Chivalrous Adjective 4

113 Ever the chivalrous angel, the City Café waitress refilled my sweet tea.

114 Mercy, being humane, mildness
Clemency Noun Mercy, being humane, mildness 5

115 Really, I drank my sweet tea too quickly, but the waitress showed me clemency by giving me some more. 5

116 A lack, scarcity; an inadequate supply
Dearth Noun A lack, scarcity; an inadequate supply 6

117 Thankfully, I my dearth of City Café sweet tea was only momentary.

118 Shy, lacking self-confidence, reserved
Diffident Adjective Shy, lacking self-confidence, reserved 7

119 I overcame my diffident nature by boldly asking for a refill of my City Café sweet tea.

120 A difference; a lack of agreement
Discrepancy Noun A difference; a lack of agreement 8

121 It seemed that there was a discrepancy between how thirst I was and how much City Café sweet tea I had. 8

122 To make a start; to begin
Embark Verb To make a start; to begin 9

123 As soon as I can, I plan on embarking on a journey to City Café to get some sweet tea.

124 Easily done or attained
Facile Adjective Easily done or attained 10

125 Starting my sweat tea addiction at City Café was so facile; it just came naturally!

126 Unconquerable, refusing to yield
Indomitable Adjective Unconquerable, refusing to yield 11

127 Even the indomitable snowman would make the icy trek to drink sweat tea at City Café.

128 Free from error; perfect; absolutely dependable
Infallible Adjective Free from error; perfect; absolutely dependable 12

129 City Café sweet tea is infallible at all times; I could drink it at any time of the day.

130 To walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly
Plod Verb To walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly 13

131 Because I was anticipating lunch at City Café so much, the day seemed to plod on slowly.

132 Causing a sharp sensation, especially with smell; stinging or biting
Pungent Adjective 14

133 The pungent smell of my lunch caused my stomach to ache for a meat and three from City Café.

134 Neglectful of performance of one’s duties; falling down on the job
Remiss Adjective 15

135 I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you how delicious City Café’s sweet tea is.

136 Repose Verb To rest; to lie in place 16

137 When I die, repose my body in the circle booth at City Café so that I can get all the sweat tea I want for eternity. 16

138 Temerity Noun Rashness, boldness 17

139 I have the absolute temerity to say that I would eat City Café for every meal.

140 Fierce and cruel, aggressive and deadly
Truculent Adjective Fierce and cruel, aggressive and deadly 18

141 When the guy cut in front of me in the line at City Café, I threatened to throw a truculent punch.

142 Sincere and real; without show or sarcasm
Unfeigned adjective Sincere and real; without show or sarcasm 19

143 My unfeigned love for City Café needs to be apparent to all.

144 Extremely poisonous; full of malice and spiteful
Virulent adjective Extremely poisonous; full of malice and spiteful 20

145 Your virulent attitude toward my City-Café-sweet-tea sentences is uncalled for.

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