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Revolutionary/ Age of Reason/ The Art of the Argument

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Presentation on theme: "Revolutionary/ Age of Reason/ The Art of the Argument"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolutionary/ Age of Reason/ The Art of the Argument
Enlightenment Vocab Revolutionary/ Age of Reason/ The Art of the Argument

2 The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
Rhetoric The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing

3 Your position, or belief, on an issue
Position Statement Your position, or belief, on an issue

4 Reasons that support your position
Claims Reasons that support your position

5 Counter Claims/ Counter Argument
Argument against the support of an opposing position

6 The specific reader you have in mind for your argument
Audience The specific reader you have in mind for your argument

7 The aim of your argument
Purpose The aim of your argument

8 The time, place, and situation of an argument
Setting (Kairos) The time, place, and situation of an argument

9 Appealing to one’s sense of emotion
Pathos Appealing to one’s sense of emotion

10 Appealing to one’s sense of logic
Logos Appealing to one’s sense of logic

11 Appealing to one’s sense of trust
Ethos Appealing to one’s sense of trust

12 Logical Fallacy a flaw in reasoning. Logical fallacies are like tricks or illusions of thought, and they're often very sneakily used by politicians and the media to fool people.

13 Red Herring An idiom that refers to a logical fallacy that misleads or detracts from the actual issue

14 If everyone else believes something, you will too.
Bandwagon If everyone else believes something, you will too.

15 Ad Hominem Argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument. Abusive Tu Quoque Circumstantial Guilt by Association Ad Feminam

16 An assumption that because A happened before B, A caused B
False Causality An assumption that because A happened before B, A caused B

17 A conclusion based on too little evidence
Over-Generalization A conclusion based on too little evidence

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