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invade Environment threaten

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Presentation on theme: "invade Environment threaten"— Presentation transcript:

1 invade Environment threaten
alter method 1. Alien invaders can destroy the ____________. 2. If you want to relax, listening to music is one _________. 3. An army general tells soldiers when to ______. 4. If I fail a math test tomorrow, it will ________ my grades. 5. If I don’t return her sweater, she might _________ me. 02/20 DO NOW SWBAT: understand the purpose and form of an argument essay by identifying the thesis statement and the evidence that supports it.

2 02/20 Agenda Do Now: Vocab Invader Species Recap
Analyze the essay p. 190 Introduction, Body, Conclusion Rotations p. 191 02/20 Agenda

3 Invader Species

4 Underline the introductory statement and box the thesis statement.

5 Underline each body paragraphs topic sentence and then check the three pieces of evidence that support it. Body

6 Conclusion

7 Rotations Small group Jeremiah Nate GiGi Computers AJ Alexis
Independent Reading John Richie Michael Rotations

8 02/21 Do Now SWBAT: Identify the audience and the purpose for writing an argument essay by organizing their ideas using a graphic organizer.

9 02/21 Agenda Do Now: Interesting facts
Identify the writing type, audience, and purpose p. 192 Brainstorm Discuss ideas for writing State a position Rotations p. 193 02/21 Agenda

10 Identify the writing type, audience, and purpose p. 192
What kind of writing will you be doing, fiction or nonfiction? Identify the writing type, audience, and purpose p. 192

11 Brainstorm

12 Animal 1:Brown Tree Snakes
1. 2. 3. 4. Animal 2: Kudzu 1. 2. 3. 4. Writing Prompt: Write an argument essay about the most harmful invader species. Defend your argument with evidence from the readings. Animal 3: Zebra Mussels 1. 2. 3. 4. Animal 4:Red Fire Ants 1. 2. 3. 4.

13 Discuss ideas for writing

14 What invader species do you plan to write about
What invader species do you plan to write about? Why do you think it’s the most harmful invader species? State a position

15 Rotations p. 193 Small group John Richie Michael Computers Jeremiah
Nate GiGi Independent Reading AJ Alexis Rotations p. 193

16 2/22 Do Now Review your position
What invader species do you plan to write about? Why do you think it’s the most harmful invader species? 2/22 Do Now Review your position SWBAT: Organize their ideas using a graphic organizer for their persuasive essay.

17 02/22 Agenda Do Now: Position Review your species facts p. 192
Prewrite p. 193 Intro Body Conclusion Rotation Small Group read each other your outline and peer edit/critique 02/22 Agenda

18 Prewrite-Intro

19 Topic sentence MUST support the writer’s claim or thesis statement.
You MUST have two pieces of evidence or reasons that support your topic sentence and claim. REMEMBER that you are trying to convince someone of something and your reasons or evidence should be convincing! Last body paragraph MUST have a counterargument and reasons you have to prove them wrong. Prewrite-Body

20 Always restate the thesis and offer a recommendation on how to fix the problem.
REMEMBER this is your last chance to convince your audience your POV. Prewrite-Conclusion

21 Wrap-Up

22 Rotations p. 193 Small group John Richie Michael Computers Jeremiah
Nate GiGi Independent Reading AJ Alexis Rotations p. 193

23 02/23 Do Now

24 02/23 Agenda Do Now Progress Monitoring Word Choices p. 194 Draft
Rotations Revise p. 195 02/23 Agenda

25 Word Choices

26 Draft I believe that____________(issue) Write your thesis statement:
(Issue)____________________________because_____________________________________(claim) Draft

27 Wrap Up

28 Rotations Small group AJ Alexis Computers John Richie Michael
Independent Reading Jeremiah Nate GiGi Rotations

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