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Published byHengki Hardja Modified over 6 years ago
ctcLink Project Overall Status – September 28, 2018
G Program is on track and making expected progress Key activities are being executed per the timeline and budget Scope Y Monitoring scope and timing of Chart of Accounts, Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, and OBIA implementations Schedule Analyzing resource overlap between DG2 and DG3 tasks Project Plan has been baselined but will need a second baseline once training activities are defined Budget ctcLink Budget currently tracking under budget: Delayed hiring Timing of re-implementation of solutions (Con Ed, OAA, Budget) Executive Summary The project is currently tracking per schedule and under budget. Review and definition of scope for each deployment is still underway due to the rework of key solutions. Deployment Group 2 (DG2) is in the Structure Phase, focused on Local Configuration and Conversion activities. The Global Design/ Configuration Framework and previous Common Process Workshops (CPW) recommendations continue to move through governance for approval. The DG2 Go-Live is scheduled for October 2019, based upon DG2 college agreement per existing business activities and academic calendars. Analysis has begun on ctcLink project resource overlap between DG2 and DG3 activities. A PM Summit is scheduled for Nov. 1-2, followed by a DG3 Pre-kickoff the afternoon of Nov. 2. Remediation work continues to be a priority working in parallel with the Deployment activities. Risks Mitigating Actions Y SBCTC - Year-end completion impacting homework completion, SBCTC’s ctcLink efforts. Staff is currently working extra hours to maintain state and SBCTC Agency effort. Spokane - (Reported this Risk In Production Support Status Report) FWL Tickets need to be addressed quickly so we can generate accurate contracts and pay faculty. CCS is updating format when opening critical FWL contract tickets. Providing more detailed information and pay due dates. SBCTC Production Support has recently hired an HCM team member with expertise in FWL. G ctcLink FIN/HCM- Security Redesign work is requiring more function ream resources. Working with ctcLink PMO to update DG2 schedule with more detailed Security Redesign activities. Issues Mitigating Actions Y Spokane - CCS staff requesting testing environment with CS 9.2 and Fluid UI changes. ctcLink team is in the process of setting up a Sandbox Environment after Cycle 2B. A Fluid workshop will be scheduled for the November time frame. Clark - Staff burnout and frustration. Project Manager will conduct more individual check-in meetings. Structure Phase Milestones Status Date Global Design Review Complete 5/25/18 Bus. Proc. Flow Diagram In progress DG Local Configuration UAT Test Materials Training Course Materials College – Data Mapping for Supplemental Systems N/A College – Configuration Sign-off College – UAT Test Definition Sign-off N/A Remediation Status Campus Solutions Open Tab - 13/45 Closed Tab – 2/13 Financial Management Open Tab - 14/39 Closed Tab – 1/35 Human Capital Management Open Tab - 09/25 Closed Tab – 0/07 Faculty Workload Delayed due to AWS migration, date – 9/30/2018 DRS ERP Support working with CCS Absence Management Full-Time EE resolved, Adjuncts in progress Security Audit Controls Incorporated into Security Redesign Student Billing GDR approved and work in progress Budget Planning Solution Requirements need to be created Online Admissions Solution Requirements finalized, Fit/Gap with ctcLink Continuing Education Solution RFP draft in final review
ctcLink Budget Status – as of August 31, 2018
Moran Technology Quality Assurance Report
Report Recommendations as of September 2018 G Status/QA# Findings ctcLink Responses Y QA 0140 The new concept for Training Delivery has major benefits for the ongoing education of college administrative staff in ctcLink business process and PeopleSoft functionality. QA would recommend that the revised scope of the training model be widely communicated to the stakeholders at this time given the positive expectations for the resulting outcomes. The training team is working on the new training approach for ctcLink. We are developing a prototype of the new approach and will evaluate once it is complete. We are also looking at the overall content development scope and looking at external vendors to help build out the self-paced training. As we finalize the approach, we will work with the colleges for feedback. QA 142 QA recommends that SBCTC ensure that The Burgundy Group delivers a fully documented Technical Architecture of the ctcLink System as they have implemented it in the Amazon Web Services environment. ctcLink Technical and ERP Support staff require this documentation. This Technical Architecture documentation has been requested at this time. QA will continue to report on this Open item until it has been received, reviewed, and accepted. The ctcLink Technical Project Manager will work with the SBCTC Application Services Director to work with our managed services provider Burgundy to develop the ctcLink production and project fully documented Technical Architecture. OCIO Investment Plan Conditions – September 2018 G Condition Status Y 6 OCIO approval of the 3 remediation solutions: Budgeting tool, Continuing Education Application, Online Admissions Application Planned 8 Perform a post-implementation review (lessons learned) after each deployment and post on the OCIO dashboard within 30 days of go-live
Deployment Group 2 Timeline (High Level Phases)
Overall Timeline (All Deployments)
Pillar Status – September 17 to 28, 2018 Human Capital Management
Campus Solutions G Accomplished this period Cycle 1B data validation query development for College validation Schedule Cycle 1B data validation with DG2 Colleges Collect review and configure BPFG assignments Progressing through configurations and Setup manager Dual Processing planning (FA/SF Plan B) with functional, technical and Legacy teams Security redesign planning Planned for next period Continue configuration build-out and functional testing in FNC Continue to collect and review BPFG assignments Dual Processing Testing Update Setup Manager Update Functional Test Scripts Planned, but not completed N/A *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Human Capital Management Y Accomplished this period Completed Conversion cycle 1 Data Validation material build Continued configuration build-out and functional testing in FNC environment Began Conversion Cycle 2A environment prep and validation activities Began Security Redesign matrix review based on updated schedule Planned for next period Continue configuration build-out in FNC environment Prepare for Conversion Cycle 2A functional validation Begin preparing data validation materials for Conversion Cycle 2 Continue Security Redesign matrix review Continue mapping local configuration items to Functional Test Scripts Collect final BPFG session homework items Planned, but not completed Missing assignments for TAM and Faculty Workload Complete mapping local configuration items to Functional Test Scripts *If status is yellow or red, describe why. DG2 work progressing on schedule but team resources continue to be involved in Production support activities. Tier 1 & Tier 2 support requests from functional ERP Support team, Tier 1 & Tier 2 support requests directly from FirstLink college system end-users. Financial Services Y Accomplished this period Continued configuration build-out (including Chart of Accounts) in FNC environment Continued collecting college homework assignments from BPFG sessions Began Conversion Cycle 2A environment prep and validation activities Began Security Redesign matrix review based on updated schedule Planned for next period Continue configuration build-out (including Chart of Accounts) in FNC environment Complete mapping local configuration items to Functional Test Scripts Prepare for Conversion Cycle 2A functional validation Begin preparing data validation materials for Conversion Cycle 2 Continue Security Redesign matrix review Planned, but not completed Collect final BPFG session homework items New due date provided for FirstLink colleges Only missing mapping for Travel & Expense module; mapping for all other modules completed *If status is yellow or red, describe why. DG2 work progressing on schedule but team resources continue to be involved in Production support activities. FirstLink closing/reconciliation support requests from SBCTC, Tier 1 & Tier 2 support requests from functional ERP Support team, Tier 1 & Tier 2 support requests directly from FirstLink college system end-users. Pillar Status – as of 6/8/2018
Workstream Status – September 17 to 28, 2018
Communications G Accomplished this period Finalized Project Charter for Steering Committee review and cELC approval Drafted and finalized Data Validation kickoff communications cELC meeting prep and minutes Planned for next period Update project communications work plan activities Finalize OCM Readiness Survey draft in SurveyMonkey Draft internal communications process/tools Planned, but not completed Update college OCM checklist with agency brand Technical G Accomplished this period Established CS 9.0 Demo Image 50 environment. Applied Image 27 to HCDMO and HCDEV, restoring missing delivered objects to those environments through Image 27 Applied Image 28 to FSDMO and FSDEV, restoring missing delivered objects to those environments through Image 28 Completed extracts of Production and CS9.2 upgrade in CTS as part of Conversion Cycle 2A Installed Highpoint mobile project for CS9.2 into CSDEV Created initial proposed approach for Integration Broker deployment to colleges and socialized with project leadership and SBCTC CIO Planned for next period Execute conversion programs for Cycle 2A Complete retrofit activities for CS9.2 Capture actual durations for key conversion steps to establish a baseline timeframe for cutover Confirm all relevant CEMLIs are present in DEV environments Planned, but not completed Finalize CS 9.2 retrofit changes—CS 9.0 Demo required to complete this Testing G Accomplished this period Developed method to track data validation issues in Oracle Testing Manager (OTM), updated issue template to support validation, created an OTM data validation user guide and sent communication to college PMs Provided the UAT scope homework completion data to the PMO to create a dashboard to share with college PMs Reviewed and approved year in close system integration test results, project was promoted to production Planned for next period Build functional test plan in OTM Complete a UAT framework prototype using a Faculty Workload high level end-to-end-flow Planned, but not completed Build functional test plan in OTM. The functional analysts are still defining scope. Deadline to build the test plan is Nov. 13. Organizational Change Management G Accomplished this period Worked with OCM Subgroup to develop template for college readiness survey. Started regular meetings with the College CPW testing team, to troubleshoot issues, environments, and testing outcomes. Sent out CPW testing process to ERP staff to compile feedback for the process. Meet with CPW Facilitators and Project Functional Analyst and PMs to determine scope of upcoming Student Financial and Financial Aid sessions Planned for next period Continue to work with OCM subgroup to finalize templates for college use Planned, but not completed Continuous - working with communications and training on project schedule and timelines. Training Y Accomplished this period Recruiting activities for three Trainer positions continues Training approach 80% updated Continued work on style guide for all training materials Planned for next period Completion of one pilot course. Coordination with Project FAs to vet materials created. Continued work on Material Style Guide. Planned, but not completed Continued work on how to setup courses Continued work to define training scope *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Concerns regarding resources needed for material development. Will need to determine number of hours and staff needed to develop remaining courses.
Deployment Group 2 Self-Reported Status – September 17 to 28, 2018
Clark College G Accomplished this period Reviewed 21 data validation files and identified issues that are not a concern. Cleaned up issues that could be cleaned Finalized Readiness Plan and sent to SBCTC OCM Manager Worked with IT to plan out a computer lab for future data validation and user acceptance testing Began internal tracking of data validation Meetings with SBCTC and Cascadia PM’s to answer PM questions about the project Planned for next period Set up computer lab Finalize communication plan Finalize Service Indicators Planned, but not completed update documents SBCTC Agency Y Accomplished this period Completed Security Re-Design overview at SME meeting. Working Group formed and has been meeting goals and objectives identified. HCM Functional Leads working on TAM homework, UAT and HR Core Data Validation. Planned for next period Johnathan Rider to provide Security Re-Design overview to SMEs, Sept. 20 Reuth Kim to provide Risk Management overview to SMEs, Oct. 17 Continue homework completion Planned, but not completed Continue homework completion and submittal – in work, estimated completion date TBD Meet to discuss how contracts will go into ctcLink and how different departments might do different parts of the work Submit PS query samples/requests – More information needed for PM, estimated completion date TBD Community Colleges of Spokane R Accomplished this period CSS review and comments for Remediation Closure Plan updates. Planned for next period Some BPFG homework due. Planned, but not completed Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Local SMEs attendee ctcLink Security redesign group, ctcLink PM groups, ctcLink governance groups, various ctcLink status meetings Planning and scheduling for Data Validation Responded to HCM/Finance DG2 Configuration Homework items Planned for next period Participate in Data Validation meetings Work on HCM/Finance DG2 Configuration Homework Items Receive information from SBCTC on DG2 Configuration Homework items
ctcLink College Remediation Status Reports – September 17 to 28, 2018
Community Colleges of Spokane R Accomplished this period Continue work on balancing Student Financials Journal Entries Closing Fiscal Years Security role redesign. Absence management for all employees. Needs to allow for leave accrual and use for part-time and adjunct faculty. Accurate reporting for DRS & PEBB to reflect correct service hours and balances for all employee types Faculty Workload Improvements. Student third party billing statements must be configured into a readable and accurate statement. Planned for next period Planned, but not completed *If status is yellow or red, describe why. We will be in Red status until the tools/reports and book to bank cash reconciliation training and documentation are provided so we can close FY 16, 17, & 18. SBCTC making progress on other Remediation Condition items detailed in status section below. Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Reached out to local SMEs for updates on 3 HR remediation items: 29976, 20781, and 20491 Planned for next period Receive updates on 3 HR remediation items: 29976, 20781, and 20491 *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Project Team R Accomplished this period HCM - DRS redistribution decision CS – Student Billing Template development Planned for next period Continuing Education RFP draft to be approved for Publish Online Admissions Application requirements fit/gap to ctcLink Communicate DRS decision to resolve issue Planned, but not completed AFRs Interface Testing
Deployment Group 3: Gate 1 Initiation Phase Progress – as of September 28, 2018
Initiation Phase Deliverables Cascadia Lower Columbia Olympic Peninsula Pierce Resource Plan and Budget C NR College Project Charter Baselined MS Project Schedule IP OCM Plan Communication Plan Local College Training Plan Risk Management Plan Data Cleansing Plan Legacy Business Process Mapping Supplemental Systems Assessment Legend NR: Not Received, deliverable not posted to cDR IP: In Progress, draft deliverable has been posted to cDR C: Complete, final deliverable posted to cDR
Other ctcLink Project Activities – Status as of September 28, 2018
New Solution Status RFP Publish Solution Decision Physical Inventory (Asset Tracking) Vendor Solutions being evaluated New PS Functionality that will provide integration for asset tracking scanners directly with ctcLink 5/21/2018 Delayed to evaluate new functionality within PS Continuing Education RFP draft has been developed Sub-Committee is currently reviewing the draft RFP Need draft RFP approved by Governance for publish 10/1/2018 12/20/2018 Online Admissions Application Sub-Committee finalized OAA requirements Need Approval of requirements Project Team is reviewing requirements and Fit/Gap against ctcLink functionality RFP need will be evaluated based upon Fit/Gap 11/1/2018 1/20/2019 Budget Planning Committee to be formed to review, finalize and approve Budgeting requirements Review requirements against Oracle PBCS Solution / If needed Develop RFP 12/1/2018 *Dependent on FLC FY Activities to be complete 2/20/2019 Accessibility Continued discussions with Appsian (formerly Grey Heller) Validation approach using Appsian solution on ctcLink versions being discussed and coordinated. N/A TBD Guided Pathways CPW to define Guided Pathways business requirements Proposal in evaluation by ctcLink Steering Committee
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