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Questionnaire: review of Annex 2

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1 Questionnaire: review of Annex 2
Eurostat Task Force on Material Flow Accounts Questionnaire: review of Annex 2 Aldo Femia, Italian National Institute of Statistics Renato Marra Campanale, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research Luxembourg, 6-7 November 2014

2 Annex 2 Prodcom 2008 – MFA correspondence based on Prodcom 2007 – MFA
Theoretical issues between classifications  Annex 2 Practical data treatment  Compilation guide

3 Prodcom 2008 code Porphyry, basalt, quartzites and other monumental or building stone, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut (excluding calcareous monumental or building stone of a gravity >= 2.5, granite and sandstone) MFA Prodcom Prodcom 2008 A.3.1 Marble, granite, sandstone, porphyry, basalt, other ornamental or building stone (excluding slate) A.3.9 Other non-metallic minerals n.e.c Porphyry, basalt and other monumental/building stone, crude, roughly trimmed/merely cut (excluding calcareous monumental/ building stone of gravity > 2.5kg/10m³, granite and sandstone) Quartz and quartzites for industrial use (excluding natural quartz sands) Prodcom identical to Prodcom totally belonging to A.3.1 - Prodcom subset of Prodcom (Other minerals) totally belonging to A.3.9

4 Prodcom 2008 code /2 Mixtures of slag and similar industrial waste products, whether or not incorporating pebbles, gravel, shingle and flint for construction use A more careful consideration of the Italian Prodcom microdata, linked to the newly acquired administrative microdata on quarrying, let us decide to include back in DE at least part of Prodcom code , since: most enterprises producing it, although having main activity in Manufacturing or Construction industries, also own quarries; some enterprises producing it only have extraction activities, and therefore that product is surely not a by-product of industrial transformation. We therefore suggest that the conclusion of the previous TF be revised so that neither the inclusion in DE, nor the exclusion from DE, of code on the basis of the sole code itself, be granted. This means that the link should be re-included in Annex 2

5 excluded from DE (last year’s TF conclusion)
Prodcom 2008 code /2 Mixtures of slag and similar industrial waste products, whether or not incorporating pebbles, gravel, shingle and flint for construction use General “default” rule - proposed for inclusion in the compilation guide based on Prodcom microdata only If the enterprise has … … then that enterprise’s production of must be … … because … only products with codes 07.xx.xx.xx or 08.xx.xx.xx (i.e. from mining and quarrying) included in DE “Mixtures...” is nothing else than an extracted by-product of other extraction only products other than from mining and quarrying (07 and 08) excluded from DE there is no extraction activity, and “Mixtures...” therefore is a by product of transformation both other extraction and non-extraction industrial products excluded from DE (last year’s TF conclusion) a simplifying default indication is useful/necessary

6 Prodcom 2008: item non-response on quarrying and treatment of Pre-coated aggregates (code ), Calcined and sintered dolomite (code ) and Agglomerated dolomite (code ). This mostly concerns Prodcom enterprises which only record production under codes 23.xx.xx.xx. Among these enterprises, some do not report any products with codes 08.xx.xx.xx, because the whole production is used by the same enterprise. Administrative data, by contrast, show extraction activities. The crosscheck with administrative data allows to identify the enterprises that own mines or quarries (and do not declare their extraction activities in Prodcom), as well as the quantities of minerals extracted. Theoretically, all Prodcom 2008 codes 23.xx.xx.xx have to be excluded from DE, since they are not natural resources, but the result of industrial transformation. Practical data treatment: case-by-case rule adopted by the last TF is valid and it is a general rule for codes 23.xx.xx.xx.

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