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The EIB Diversity Journey European Patent Office Career Development Roundtable 26.11.2008 Leena Lahti Senior Advisor on Gender and Diversity, EIB.

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Presentation on theme: "The EIB Diversity Journey European Patent Office Career Development Roundtable 26.11.2008 Leena Lahti Senior Advisor on Gender and Diversity, EIB."— Presentation transcript:

1 The EIB Diversity Journey European Patent Office Career Development Roundtable 26.11.2008 Leena Lahti Senior Advisor on Gender and Diversity, EIB

2 First some numbers

3 Gender profile by function

4 Seven years trend

5 EIB compared with other international institutions, professional staff by gender

6 EIB compared with other international institutions, managerial staff by gender

7 Action and effort


9 POLICY FRAMEWORK EIB Code of Conduct The Bank is an employer, which guarantees equal opportunities and which ensures respect for the dignity of both female and male employees… The Bank strives to promote working relations based on loyalty and trust… Colleagues must be treated and assessed with respect and without any favouritism… Any form of discrimination or harassment is strictly forbidden…

10 POLICY FRAMEWORK EIB Dignity at Work The EIB aims to provide a positive working environment, which will enable and encourage staff to work together in a culture of support and co-operation towards the goals of the Bank.

11 Time to move on

12 From gender to diversity and inclusion – why? To avoid competition and contradiction To fully acknowledge the richness of human beings To avoid stereotypes and labelling To be responsive to emerging issues in the EU community To ensure sensitivity to the needs of all staff To ensure full inclusiveness, trust, and respect However, gender will remain in the focus of diversity efforts at the Bank as long as needed.

13 The Diversity Journey 1. WHAT? Women and men. Nationalities. Disabled. Life situations. Human beings. 2. WHY? Social responsibility. Staff motivation. Best use of talent. Successful business, broad perspectives, innovativeness. 3. HOW? Business case. Strategy, priorities. Action Plans. Indicators, monitoring. Transparent reporting. Accountability 4. WHO? Management. Line managers. HR department. Diversity Advisor. Each staff member. 5. HOW MUCH? Critical mass. Balance. Equal opportunities. Trust, respect, justice.

14 WHAT? Diversity is the combination of all the characteristics that make us who we are, including age, culture, education, ethnic and racial background, gender, language, nationality, physical ability, race, religion, and sexual orientation. ***** Diversity Management means creating and maintaining a positive environment where the similarities and differences of all employees are recognized, understood, and valued and where all may participate in achieving their full potential to the benefit of the organization and their own satisfaction.

15 WHY? The Business Case ETHICAL REASONS Corporate social responsibility Role modeling EIB values Justice, fairness, equity Respect, dignity STAFF MOTIVATION Full engagement and high motivation of all staff …and managers. Inclusion of everyone Well-being -> productivity Opportunities to grow HOPE BUSINESS RATIONALE Balanced representation of member states Adaptability to global changes Broad understanding of market needs Rich perspectives and toolkits Innovativeness Accountability

16 HOW? Critical Success Factors SUCCESS FACTORS IN DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT 9. Top management concrete and visible commitment 1. Strong and credible business case 2. Clear strategy, action plans, responsibilities 3. Quantitative and qualitative objectives 4. Business-linked core indicators, monitoring, reporting 5. Accountability 6. Diversity-sensitive HR policies, practices, and instruments 7. Inspiring internal communication 8. High management standards and discipline

17 Head hunter (standards) Client relations Operational standards w/ subcontractors, collaborators TRANSPARENCY External recruitment EIB HR MANAGEMENT HRD COPEC EIB OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT HRM Priorities Management standards Mgt assess- ments, sanctions Promotion Strategic planning, KPls Image among IFIS Monitoring Assess- ments Career planning Perf. standards Search Recruitment Selection Succession planning Exit Training Develop ment Data, indicators, reports Staff surveys Reporting Indexes Monitoring Indicators Staff surveys /GDs Coordination DGs, MC Methods Practices Statistics Coordination reporting, monitoring Maintain pressure External input, client needs, global development DIVERSITY INFRASTRUCTURE External communication ADVISOR HR + GD Strategies External output, results, impact Internal communication Marketing EIB as an employer Corporate Social Responsibility HIGH LEVEL COMMITTEE


19 EIB Diversity Strategy 2008 Managerial positions internal and external Targeted efforts Improved image Objective assessment; selection Fair entry-level salary Target, indicators for women and NMS Mainstreaming diversity in mgt development Awareness building Each directorate one event/year Performance standards Accountability, incentives Performance assessment Developmental feedback Assessment tools Talent search Improved data base Career development Succession planning Talent vs. seniority Targeted guidance Inclusive workplace Eliminate club culture Openness, transparency Atmosphere of trust and respect More flexibility Support for spouse employment Support to families Staff survey RECRUITMENTMGT DEVELOPMENTTALENT MGT / SUCCESSION PLANNING MGT CULTURE AND WORKING ARRANGEMENTS Institutional performance Innovativeness, risk taking Corporate social responsibility Attracting, retaining and engaging the best available talent High quality HR management / Diversity mainstreaming

20 Managers challenge: Inspiration – Motivation - Accountability INSPIRATION Mgt composition Behavior, actions Interaction, dialogue Training, learning Events Ratio & Emotion MOTIVATION Role models Career opportunities Developmental assignments Sense of purpose Visibility, recognition Feedback Rewarding ACCOUNTABILITY Clear objectives Perf assessment Monitoring, reporting Objectivity Transparency Sanctions

21 Performance Standards for Managers - sample Knowledge, awareness, behavior, communication, willingness: Beginning… Has clear understanding of the orgs Business Case for diversity and inclusion Has full knowledge of the diversity, discrimination, and harassment policies, practices, and programs, and the organizations diversity profile and gaps Participates in the diversity training and uses the available developmental opportunities effectively; organizes diversity training to staff Responds with sensitivity to values, norms and behaviors of staff of diverse cultures and backgrounds Takes action to compensate for cultural/gender biases Challenges displays of intolerance/discrimination from others Is willing and capable of mentoring and coaching diverse staff Proactively innovates and initiates new approaches and methods …Role modelling

22 Good to know about human work communities

23 Inclusion and Micro-inequities; in/out-group bias ( Bendick & Egan & Miller 2005) Out-group characteristics Gender (female) Race, ethnic origin (non-white) Country category (dev) Language (non-English) Profession (non-core) Graduation school and country (ranking, ind/dev country) Work experience (non-core) Nationality/citizenship (+/-) Age, seniority (+/-) Career consequences Employment probalibility Starting grade and salary Initial assignment Career development Performance appraisals Final seniority status Current salary Social status

24 Perceived inclusiveness by race (Leena Lahti, 2005) Staff Survey demographics: Race, ethnic background, nationality, gender Significant differences between black and other staff Trust in mgt (black < other) Feelings of respect (black < other) Fairness (black < other) Equality/equity (black < other) Harassment (black > other) Discrimination (black > other).

25 Gender in written performance appraisals (Madelyn Blair 1994, in five orgs; Madelyn Blair & Leena Lahti 1999, 2001) Significant differences between women and men in equal and similar positions/tasks, as assessed by female and male supervisors Drive for results (men > women) Adaptability (women > men)) Career potential (men > women) Enthusiasm of assessments (men > women) Negative statements (women > men) Analytical thinking (men > women).

26 DIVERSITY CHALLENGES AHEAD - how to address them? ( HELP APPRECIATED) 1.Resistance to change (why fix something that is not broken?) 2.Cultural road blocks (club culture) 3.We vs. them (insiders motivation threatened by external competitors) 4.Accountability vs. loyalty; talent vs. seniority 5.Perceived positive discrimination

27 Something to think about « The world of humanity is possessed of two wings: The female and the male. So long as these two wings are not equal in strength, the bird will not fly. Until womankind reaches the same degree of rights, opportunities, and satisfaction as men, humanity cannot find its way to heights of real attainment. When the two wings become equal in strenght, enjoying the same opportunities, the flight of a man will be exceedingly lofty and extraordinary. »

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