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Aviation Maintenance Supply Readiness Reporting (AMSRR) Overview

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1 Aviation Maintenance Supply Readiness Reporting (AMSRR) Overview
Notes 1 January, 2019 UNCLASSIFIED

2 AMSRR - Overview Aviation Maintenance Supply Readiness Reporting (AMSRR) web is the software tool to integrate the required data fields and up-line transfer of aircraft and equipment material data at the unit level. AMSRR web is a database system that stores the aircraft and material condition information and makes it available for authorized users to view and analyze the readiness data. The AMSRR web makes data available on the Non-Classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET). Data collection begins with Navy and Marine Corps activities submitting status reports on aircraft and equipment material condition, which is sent to the Type Commander. Notes

3 AMSRR - Overview Under DRRS-N, Primary Aircraft Authorized (PAA) outlined in units ROC/POE Flight Line Entitlement (FLE) and Ready Basic Aircraft (RBA) are combined under the Equipment Pillar. The Equipment (“E”) Pillar represents the equipment material condition for performing each assigned Navy Mission Essential Task (NMET) and capability. In DRRS-N mission capable in-reporting aircraft and related systems are reported under the “E” Pillar. The “E” Pillar represents the material condition of the equipment required to perform each assigned NMET and capability. Red, yellow and green bands have been established for equipment using the deployment phase (D+1/MCO) as the standard. Notes

4 AMSRR - Equipment Metrics
As units progress through the Fleet Readiness Training Plan (FRTP), levels of readiness are expected to transition from Red to Yellow to Green. Maintenance and Basic phase are commonly red Intermediate phase is yellow Surge/Deployment is green The ultimate goal is to provide the proper recourses at the right time in the FRTP so that a unit can achieve MCO (FRTP D+1) ready status on time.

5 Daily Readiness Snapshot
AMSRR - Data Flow Chart Secure File Transfer Protocol Maintenance Figure of Merit Daily Readiness Snapshot SFTP MFOM CVN DRRS-N NIPRNET SIPRNET AMSRR Squadron ADW AMFOM Displays Equipment Readiness (MCO/D+1 Standard) Aircraft Maintenance Supply Readiness Reporting (AMSRR) program provides the TYCOM with a Daily Readiness Snapshot and is the authoritative data source for the Current Readiness Ready For Tasking (RFT Gap Metrics) and the Defense Readiness Reporting System – Navy (DRRS-N) aviation unit “E” pillar. Provides method for CVN and LH-class ships to report AIMD readiness rating to the Maintenance Figure of Merit (MFOM) and for the squadrons to report on their inventory (whether in or out of reporting) and the status of those aircraft. Those data elements, number of aircraft in reporting, RBA, status of integrated and non-integrated mission sets are fed up-line to the Aviation Data Warehouse. Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) aligns the ORG code utilized in the AMSRR program with the squadron Unit Identification Code (UIC) and stores those data elements for analytical purposes and for up line use. Aviation Maintenance Figure of Merit (AMFOM) pulls squadrons AMSRR data elements from ADW by UIC and matches them to a configuration table name. Then the equipment calculations for each NMETL are performed using the Type Wing NTA map/point tables. These readiness calculations are displayed in DRRS-N. CVN / LH class AIMD report repair capability Squadrons report on Aircraft: - In/Out of Reporting - Ready Basic Aircraft (RBA) Integrated Mission Sets – Ready Non-Integrated Mission Sets – Assigned and Ready - Daily Readiness Snapshot Matches AMSRR ORG code w/ UIC Stores AMSRR data elements to include TMS and unit configuration Matches the UIC to a configuration table name Aligns AMSRR data elements to the correct NTA map/point table to perform the “E” pillar calculations

6 AMSRR - Inputs/Data Flow
Aviation Maintenance Supply Readiness Reporting (AMSRR) program provides the TYCOM with a daily readiness snapshot and is the authoritative data source for the Current Readiness Ready for Tasking (RFT) Gap Metrics and the Defense Readiness Reporting System-Navy (DRRS-N) aviation unit “E” Pillar. It is a NIPRNET software application Compiles data on the quantity of aircraft and mission systems and their material condition. Feeds the data to the ADW database on the classified side. Notes

7 AMSRR - Inputs/Data Flow
The Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) is a web-based application that provides data for analysis and reporting. It supports and integrates with the Navy’s analysis of present readiness metrics and measuring methodologies. It is the central repository of AMSRR data. Matches AMSRR ORG code with UIC Stores AMSRR data elements to include T/M/S and unit configuration.

8 AMSRR - Inputs/Data Flow
The equipment (E) Pillar represents the equipment material condition for performing each assigned NMET The E Pillar compares the equipment authorized in the Type Commander T/M/S Readiness and Resource Standards to what is assigned to the squadron Authorized aircraft (flight line standard) Mission capable aircraft Mission Systems (FLIR, Guns, PODS, etc) In DRRS-N, the E Pillar only considers the deployed standard for all equipment The equipment (E) pillar represents the equipment material condition for performing each assigned NMET and capability. Under DRRS-N authorize aircraft and mission capable aircraft are combined under the equipment pillar. Equipment is largely based on Current Readiness Standards entitlements for aircraft and mission systems.

9 AMSRR - Samples AMFOM uses the T/M/S specific look up table to determine aircraft and mission systems points-to-color-relationships. The reference for the look up tables is the COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANT INSTR (series) T/M/S MC definitions. All the standards are available in the CNAF Readiness Reference Tool under the Resources Tab in the Reference Library menu. Partial HSC (CVW) TMS Readiness and Resource Standard - for illustration only

10 AMSRR - Samples 1. AMSRR supplies the data to the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) and Aviation Figure of Merit (AMFOM). 2. AMFOM ties the equipment resources required to the NTA (mapping) and applies the D+1 standard (threshold). 3. DRRS-N displays the data in the E-pillar drill down. The process begins with the AMSRR (Aircraft Material Supply Readiness Report). AMSRR data is collected and compiled in the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) and AMFOM (Aviation Maintenance Figure of Merit).

11 D+1 Thresholds for determining G, Y, R
AMSRR - Samples (Partial mapping - for illustration only) D+1 Thresholds for determining G, Y, R 1. AMSRR supplies the data to the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) and Aviation Figure of Merit (AMFOM). 2. AMFOM ties the equipment resources required to the NTA (mapping) and applies the D+1 standard (threshold). 3. DRRS-N displays the data in the E-pillar drill down. The second function of AMFOM is to map maintenance related Navy Tactical Tasks (NTAs) with Flight-line Aircraft, RBA, and the various mission systems requirements.

12 AMSRR - Samples 1. AMSRR supplies the data to the Aviation Data Warehouse (ADW) and Aviation Figure of Merit (AMFOM). 2. AMFOM ties the equipment resources required to the NTA (mapping) and applies the D+1 standard (threshold). 3. DRRS-N displays the data in the E-pillar drill down. The compiled data in AMFOM is displayed in DRRS-N in the Equipment pillar. The user can drill down on each computed Figure of Merit to determine which component of the equipment metric is causing degradation. Note: The E pillar values exist only to generate a given color in DRRS-N and are not representative of the amount of equipment assigned or ready for a given NTA

13 AMSRR - DRRS-N Drilldown
When the Capability/ Mission Essential Tasks (MET) table in DRRS-N is expanded, you can view the equipment drill down for a given MET by selecting the METs equipment index. Drilling down allows the Commander to view the impact of the inoperative systems on the unit’s ability to accomplish a given MET.

14 AMSRR - DRRS-N Drilldown
The numbers in the value column only exist to determine a color for the E pillar (Green = , Yellow = 60-79, Red = 0-59). The worst value in each drill down determines the E pillar score the given NTA. Deployed Entitlement (TMS Standards) Available (AMSRR Data) Calculated Readiness Unit T/M/S Standard Clicking on an E pillar cell for a given NMET displays an Aviation Details window specific to that NMET. The drill down provides detailed data on the unit’s equipment material condition for supporting that NMET.

15 AMSRR - DRRS-N Drilldown
DRRS-N computed individual Equipment Pillar (E-Pillar) Capability-level Assessments: DRRS-N computes Individual PESTO Capability-level scores by averaging the values within a pillar (in this case the Equipment pillar) The average of all the NTA values determines the E-Pillar Capability-level value. The NTA and capability values determines cell’s color.

16 Contractor Support Leads
AMSRR - Points of Contact This concludes the AMSRR brief. If you have questions concerning AMSRR, contact your TYCOM N42 POC. TYCOM POC information is also listed in the CNAF Readiness Reference Tool under the Resources tab and the POC menu. LCDR Joseph Stierwalt Program Manager/E Pillar Lead Sharise Davis Sr Readiness Analyst Contractor Support Leads Don Henderson Sr Readiness Analyst Vacant CNAL AMSRR Customer Support Miranda Vincent CNAP AMSRR Customer Support

17 Notes

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