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Understanding Child Development (Beginners)

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1 Understanding Child Development (Beginners)
A Leadership Certification Course #8 . Today’s child is not like his grandparents were at his age or even like either of his parents were at his age. In fact, children today are not even like the kids of 10 years ago. It is true that children today are not inherently different from children of the past. But society is. The world they live in is very different. And the by-product of that is a very different child. Today’s child spends much time in an electronic bubble. When he is not watching TV or a video, he is likely playing computer games, exploring cyberspace, or talking to friends on the telephone. Hence, In order to work effectively with children, it is important that we understand how children grow and develop. It is helpful to note the characteristics of their growth at different age level.

2 ~ Active; learning to use & control body
Characteristics of Beginners * Ages * Physical ~ Active; learning to use & control body The Beginner Child. This group includes children ages o-3 years. Physical • Vary greatly in their physical development • Are growing rapidly • Tire easily • Cannot sit still for long ~ Large muscles are developing ~ Are growing rapidly, but tire easily ~ Cannot sit still for long

3 Characteristics of Beginners
* Ages * Mental ~ Everything must be closely related to children's personal experience Mental • Have an attention span of only one or two minutes • Learn by active involvement and imitation rather than by instruction • Learn best one mini-step at a time • Focus attention on what they see and/or touch Learn through repetition ~ Have short attention span ~ Can do only one thing at a time ~ Have limited vocabulary ~ Learn through repetition

4 ~ Learn through the senses
Characteristics of Beginners * Ages * Mental ~ Learn through the senses ~ Thrive on the familiar Mental Learn through the senses Enjoys handling objects and hands-on activities Able to create a mental substitute for real things (house, dog,, mother) Thrive on the familiar ~ Able to create a mental substitute for real things (house, dog, mother) ~ Interested to look at and handle objects

5 Characteristics of Beginners
* Ages * Social ~ Grow and learn through play Emotional/Social • Are extremely egocentric — centered in themselves • Fear separation from parents • Cry easily; one crying child sets other children crying • Express their needs by crying. The crying usually stops when the child’s needs are met • Become attached to adults who show love and acceptance of them Like to play alone ~ Like to play alone but are beginning to enjoy some group experiences ~ Need security, love and attention

6 ~ Develop personality through contacts with people * Ages 0-3 *
Characteristics of Beginners ~ Feel powerless and vulnerable Social ~ Develop personality through contacts with people * Ages 0-3 * Social Develop personality through contacts with people Thinking is magical fluid; with no clear distinctions between reality and fantasy Feel powerless and vulnerable ~ Thinking is magical fluid; no clear distinctions between reality and fantasy

7 Characteristics of Beginners
* Ages * Spiritual ~ Think of God as a real and loving person Spiritual • Think of God as a real and loving person Are aware of own will; wise limits need to be established Can learn to repeat simple, repetitive prayers ~ Can learn to repeat simple repetitive prayers ~ Are aware of own will; wise limits need to be established

8 Characteristics of Beginners
* Ages * Spiritual ~ Experience God's love best through interaction with adults ~ Sense attitudes of respect, joy and anticipation in connection with church, the Bible, and Jesus Spiritual Experience God’s love best through interaction with adults Sense attitudes of respect, joy and anticipation in connection with church, the Bible, and Jesus Faith experience becomes foundation upon which all other growth takes place Need images of God’s caring presence and loving protection

9 Characteristics of Beginners
* Ages * Spiritual ~ Can identify pictures of Jesus& lisp His name ~ Will fold hands for prayer before meals and kneel briefly too Spiritual Can identify pictures of Jesus and lisp His name Will fold hands for prayer before meals and kneel briefly, too

10 Characteristics of Beginners
Developmental Developmental Needs In addition to their basic needs, two-year-olds need to experience: • Power—to have a chance to manipulate objects, events, people • Freedom—to make choices, to interact in learning situations, to sometimes move about at will • Independence—to do some things unaided • Security—to feel safe Characteristics of Beginners * Ages *

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