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Dichotomous Keys February 12th.

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Presentation on theme: "Dichotomous Keys February 12th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dichotomous Keys February 12th

2 Shape of the day 5 minutes Lecture
10 – 15 minutes work on dichotomous key 10 – 15 minutes create a dichotomous key 15 minutes The five kingdoms

3 Learning objective Create and use a dichotomous key
Compare and contrast the five kingdoms

4 What is a dichotomous key?
A step-by-step key used to identify an organism, usually a plant or animal. Each step presents descriptions of two distinguishing characters with a direction to another stage in the key until the species is identified

5 Should you eat it?





10 Northern Flicker Gilded Flicker Red breasted sapsucker Red naped Sapsucker Williamson’s Sapsucker

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