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Lofting A loft blends multiple profiles with varying shapes on separate planes to create complex shapes.

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Presentation on theme: "Lofting A loft blends multiple profiles with varying shapes on separate planes to create complex shapes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lofting A loft blends multiple profiles with varying shapes on separate planes to create complex shapes.

2 Lofting Lofting creates a solid by connecting two sketches on different planes. The loft shown here was created from a rectangle on one plane and a circle on a second plane. The two planes are offset from each other.

3 When to Loft When extruding shapes with transitional shapes.
When creating parts with blended surfaces. When transitioning between two existing surfaces that have different cross sections.

4 Lofting The rectangle and circle are on different planes offset from each other. The circle is lofted to the rectangle to form the hood shape.

5 Lofting

6 Lofting

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