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The Art of Optimism Emma Kenny.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art of Optimism Emma Kenny."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art of Optimism Emma Kenny

2 Optimism Versus Pessimism
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty

3 Optimism Tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions Tendency to expect the most favorable outcome Belief that good will prevail Positive thinking

4 Are you an Optimist? Optimism is not… Reckless Fantasy-based
Unrealistic Limited to certain people

5 Why Optimism? Inoculates against depression Improves overall health
Improves recovery from illness Combines with talent and desire to enable achievement It influences people to like you It generates positive energy, causing good things to happen It beats pessimism

6 Why not Pessimism? More illness Lowers immune function
“Straight line to depression” Lowers resilience Lowers success Almost no advantages

7 Explanatory Styles Way we explain events, good or bad Permanence
Pervasiveness Personalisation Defining events Permanence- the state of being permanent Pervasiveness- that it is in every aspect of everything Personalisation – believing it’s because of who we are Defining events- you can be defined by them but only if you wish to be

8 Explanatory Styles—Permanence
Extent to which causes of events are permanent High bad permanence = causes of bad events are permanent Contributes to lengthy feelings of helplessness, or excessive helplessness from small setbacks Low bad permanence = causes of bad events are temporary Helps a person bounce back High good permanence = good events have permanent causes People try harder after they succeed Low good permanence = good events have temporary causes People give up even when they succeed, see success as a fluke

9 Explanatory Styles—Pervasiveness
Refers to the causes of good/ bad events, universal vs. specific High bad pervasiveness = bad events have universal causes Low bad pervasiveness = bad events have specific causes High good pervasiveness = good events have universal c’s Low good pervasiveness = good events have specific c’s Exercise: Choose the statement that best describes you. When one area of your life suffers, you can store it away and attend to other important areas of your life When one thread of your life snaps, the whole fabric unravels

10 Explanatory Styles—The Stuff of Hope
SOH = permanence (time) + pervasiveness (cause) Finding temporary and specific causes for misfortune, and permanent/ universal causes for positive events, leads to greater hopefulness Finding permanent and universal causes for misfortune, and temporary/ specific causes for positive events, decreases hope

11 Explanatory Styles—Personalisation
The perceived locus of responsibility, internal vs. external When bad things happen, we can blame ourselves (internalize) or we can blame others or circumstances (externalize) Internalization Of bad events (blaming ourselves)  lower self-esteem Of good events (crediting ourselves)  higher self-esteem Externalization Of bad events (blaming circumstances) preserves self-esteem Of good events (crediting others) lowers self-esteem

12 Explanatory Styles—Re-defining, Changing Perspectives
Maybe a bad event is actually good? Failure leads to greater resolve Loss breeds opportunity Only time will tell if this event is good or bad Law of averages I’m due for a break Pay attention only to what’s right with a situation

13 Action in the Present What am I doing right now?
Focus exclusively on actions, not their outcomes Number of steps Time invested Overall effort Strategies Connections  Creates the basis for realistic optimism

14 ABC’s Adversity Belief Consequence (feeling)

15 Overcoming Pessimism Dispute!
Step 1: Recognise pessimistic thoughts Step 2: Distract or dispute Dispute! Successfully disputed beliefs are less likely to recur when the same situation presents itself again.

16 Disputing Using perspective Examining evidence
Is my belief reasonable, or out of proportion? Distancing—if someone else judged me as critically as I am judging myself, would I accept their conclusion? Examining evidence Find alternative explanations Challenging implications Discarding beliefs that are not useful or destructive

17 Being Present More control More fulfillment Experiential awareness
More enjoyment of now Immersed in living

18 Gratitude Feel blessed Be thankful for small things
Be aware of everything that is around you Learn the art of ‘seeing’ Take 20 minutes every day to simply be

19 Finally!

20 Look After Yourself Health Nutrition Exercise Relationships

21 Family Essentials Webinar Series
We hope you enjoyed our 2015 series of webinars. Look out for our 2016 schedule coming soon!

22 Contact Us Web: New Enquiry: Tel: For more information about your Back-Up Care programme: UK Tel: Ireland Tel:

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