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How (& does) religion ties us back to the divine?

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Presentation on theme: "How (& does) religion ties us back to the divine?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How (& does) religion ties us back to the divine?
Ritual Myths ethnic & universal religions Monotheistic/polytheistic Syncretistic or hybridic Monism Pantheism Immanent/Transcendent Profane/Sacred theistic/non-theistic Agnostic 1 1

2 Pantheism everything is part of an all-encompassing immanent God.
Nature & God are considered equivalent& synonymous.

3 Profane and sacred Sacred Profane 3 3

4 Immanence & transcendence
4 4

5 Monotheistic / polytheistic
Monotheism Polytheism belief in one divinity Western traditions claim monotheism, but in fact contain elements of both. belief in multiple divinities. Much of what appears to be polytheistic in fact is monistic or henotheistic. 5 5

6 Syncretistic or hybridic
syncretistic: religions combine teachings, images, rituals from many different sources. Hybridic, hybridity 6 6

7 ritual any act that is performed repetitively Purpose
to interact with the divine E.g. re-enactment of sacred stories, worship, holidays, changes in a person’s status through ceremonies (rite of passage) 7 7

8 ethnic & universal religions
Ethnic religions mostly bound to an ethnic or geographical area. believe they hold universal validity; eager to transmit their teachings  8 8

9 monism the idea that all gods and goddesses are part of ONE divinity.
9 9

10 theistic & non-theistic
theistic—belief in a divinity atheistic—non-belief in divinity 10 10

11 agnostic no conclusion as to the existence of a divinity 11 11

12 Myths A sacred narrative with religious or spiritual significance for those who tell it; contributes to & expresses systems of thought and values. 12

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