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Once upon a time…….. Autumn Special Events

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1 Once upon a time…….. Autumn 2 2018 Special Events
Communication and Language I will be thinking about sequence of events in stories and saying what happened in the beginning, middle and end. I will be listening to my friends talk I will be using talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events I will be learning about a story structure i.e. what happens in the beginning, middle end – what is the dilemma? I will be talking about what I see, feel, hear and think. I will be learning new words to ask my friends questions. phonics sounds. Special Events Experimental porridge making Christmas Show Christmas Baking Visit from Santa Carol service at the church Once upon a time…….. Personal Social and Emotional Development I will be safely exploring the school environment. I will be making healthy choices at lunch time. I will be making up my own playground games and thinking of rules. I will be sharing my home life with my friends. I will be thinking about how to behave in school. I will talk to a buddy in carpet time about and share ideas. I will practice playing in our role-plays with other children, understanding that we play in ways which respect each other, and listen to each other’s ideas. I will be talking about how I feel or how characters feel in a book they might be reading, encouraging a wide range of vocabulary e.g. scared, excited, happy, sad etc. Physical Development I will be weaving outside to cheer up grandma. I will be going on an forest adventure using a range of equipment, travel around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment. I will be mark making with different resources to draw shapes correctly. I will be learning to form my letters correctly in my name. I will be learning how to use equipment safely to make Christmas decorations and cards. Team games: What’s the time Mr Wolf?

2 Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Mathematics I will learning to use language such as ‘greater’, ‘smaller’, ‘longer’ ‘shorter’, heavier’ or ‘lighter’ to compare quantities. Use everyday language related to time; order and sequence familiar events and measure short periods of time. I will be learning to count in 2’s greater depth learners. I will be counting to forwards and backwards. I will be learning to read numbers up to 100 greater depth learners. I will be counting forwards and backwards to 20 and ordering the numbers. I will be using addition and subtraction in meaningful contexts. I will be using shapes to design and create a pictures Literacy I am learn Phase 1/2/3 Phonics Letters and Sounds Games Reading and retelling a large range of traditional tales. Retelling stories in own words. Create renactments of stories in forms of plays or interviewing characters asking the reasons and explanations for their actions. Look at the beginning middle and ends of fairy stories is it always a happy ending? Discuss the good/bad characters Look at repetitive phrasing in stories. Rewrite the endings of stories eg the gingerbread man gets away… I will be writing: Invitations to the Christmas Party. A list of people to invite to the Christmas Party. A list of things to buy for the Christmas Party. A letter to Santa Knowledge and Understanding of the World Create maps/follow routes to/from various starting points- through the woods/ from the palace /over the bridge using Beebots. Can I experiment to make a house of straw, sticks and bricks? I can talk about my family Christmas customs and routines I will be making Christmas biscuits. Expressive Arts and Design I will be exploring how to mix colours. I will be learning to role play different fairytales. I will be making my own masks to act out stories. I will be recognising and exploring how sounds can be changed. I will be singing and dancing to Christmas songs. I will be learning to make Christmas crowns. I will be making a Christmas calendar, Christmas card and Christmas decorations.

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