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Budgetary planning I Budget is:

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1 Budgetary planning I Budget is:
OHP 220 Budgetary planning I Budget is: quantified plan aimed at achieving some objective(s) Strategic budgets Tactical budgets (annual budgets) Operational budgets (standard costs)

2 Provide performance benchmark Provide financial control mechanism
OHP 221 Objectives of budgets Compel planning Provide performance benchmark Provide financial control mechanism Provide motivational impetus Medium of communication Promote goal congruence Instil financial awareness Enable delegation

3 Budgets: potential problems Producing credible estimates
OHP 222 Budgets: potential problems Producing credible estimates Bureaucratic ‘overkill’ Encouraging excessive caution by management Behavioural implications

4 OHP 223 Budget committee Exists in larger organisations to oversee/co-ordinate budgetary preparation and monitoring Typical functions - conversion of strategic to tactical and operational budgets - negotiation of functional budgets - approval of functional budgets and master budget - investigation of variances - resolution of disputes

5 Master budget typically comprises: - cash budget
OHP 224 Master budget Summarises budgets of individual functions/departments within the organisation (‘functional budgets’) Master budget typically comprises: - cash budget - budgeted profit & loss account - budgeted balance sheet

6 Pre-determined unit costs/selling prices
OHP 225 Standard costs Pre-determined unit costs/selling prices Require estimates of: - resource inputs per unit of output - cost of resource inputs - selling price per unit

7 Assumes maximum efficiency Currently attainable standard
OHP 226 Types of standard Ideal standard Assumes maximum efficiency Currently attainable standard Based on efficient operation under current conditions (typically specified in annual budget) Basic standard Medium-term standard based on efficient performance over, say, 3–5 years

8 Objectives of standard costing Improve accuracy of budgets
OHP 227 Objectives of standard costing Improve accuracy of budgets Instil cost consciousness Encourage search for improved methods Permit detailed analysis of financial control data Provide superior costing/pricing basis to that of actual figures

9 Standard costing: potential problems
OHP 228 Standard costing: potential problems Incorporating inflation Setting acceptable labour efficiency standard Possibly difficult to apply to heterogeneous output Cost of introducing and maintaining system Danger of over-emphasising operational considerations

10 P&L, cash budget, balance sheet
OHP 229 Budget preparation Sales budget Principal budget factor Functional budgets production material usage material purchases labour Master budget P&L, cash budget, balance sheet

11 Production (purchases) required for sales (production) X
OHP 230 Production (purchases) budgets should be adjusted to allow for impact of stock: Production (purchases) required for sales (production) X Add Desired closing stock X X Less Opening stock X Production (purchases) X

12 Labour budgets should be adjusted to allow for expected idle time
OHP 231 Labour budgets should be adjusted to allow for expected idle time Cost of expected idle time normally included in standard labour cost/unit Material usage budgets should be adjusted to allow for expected (‘normal’) losses Cost of expected losses normally included in standard material cost/unit

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