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Prepared by: Mr. Gino S. Maneja

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1 Prepared by: Mr. Gino S. Maneja
Exodus Prepared by: Mr. Gino S. Maneja

2 Israel in the Wilderness
Exodus – “Outgoing, departure” This pertains to the departure of the Hebrew people from Egypt Israel in Egypt Israel in the Wilderness Israel at Sinai

3 Exodus 1:7:22: The Oppression in Egypt
Jacob's descendants prospered in Egypt. The new pharaoh feared the growing number of the Israelites in Egypt.

4 The Hebrews became slaves of Egypt
All male babies were killed to stop the population growth.

5 Moses Hebrew To draw up /save Egyptian Son

6 Moses killed an Egyptian taskmaster beating a Hebrew slave (Ex
Moses fled from Egypt and went to the land of Midian. He married Zipporah, daughter of Jethro

7 Burning Bush Fire-Manifestation of God God reveals his plan to save Israel
Faced with God’s fascinating and mysterious presence… Moses took off his sandals and veils his face in the presence of God (CCC 208)

8 Exodus 3:14-16: The Disclosure of God’s Name
YHWH remains unpronounced out of deep reverence and respect ; read but not mentioned Tetragrammaton Greek “Four-lettered” Hashem “The Name” Adonai “Lord”

9 Explanations from the Catechism of the Catholic Church
God reveals himself to Israel by making his name known to them To make oneself known to other; is to hand oneself to become accessible CCC203 YHWH (I am who I am) God says who he is and by what name he is to be called. He is the hidden God… who makes himself close to men CCC206 Ineffable – indescribable, Overwhemlim

10 He is the “I am” , God who is always there, present to his people In order to save them CCC 207 A God who is merciful and gracious slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. CCC 210

11 Questions Why did God chose Israel to be his possession?
Why did God wanted to save Israel from Egypt?

12 LOVE Deuteronomy 4:37, 7:8 , 10:15 God never stops saving and forgiving because of Love CCC 218 Deuteronomy 4:37New International Version (NIV) 37 Because he loved your ancestors and chose their descendants after them, he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength, Deuteronomy 7:8New International Version (NIV) 8 But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath he swore to your ancestors that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Deuteronomy 10:15New International Version (NIV) 15 Yet the Lord set his affection on your ancestors and loved them, and he chose you, their descendants, above all the nations—as it is today.

13 Moses was reluctant to return to Egypt.
a. Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh? b. if they ask who has sent me? What will I tell them? c. Suppose they will not believe me? nor listen to me? d. I am slow in speech and tongue e. Send someone else.

14 The pattern of God's call
God chooses individuals who, from our point of view do not seemed suited for the task. He sees things differently from people.

15 Plagues Signs and wonders of the "hand of God“ Proof of Presence of YHWH before Pharaoh and Egyptians The providential Character of these phenomena in effecting the release of the Israelites is not to be discredited. The people realize that God controlled these natural forces using them for his own designs (Boad 167)

16 The Ten Plagues 1 4 7 5 2 8 6 3 9 10 6 Water to Blood 7:14-25 Flies
8:20-32 4 Hail 9:13-35 7 Plague on Cattle 9:1-7 5 Frogs 8:1-15 2 Locusts 10:1-20 8 Boils on Man and Beast 9:8-12 6 Lice 8:16-19 3 Darkness 10:21-29 9 Death of Firstborn (men and animals) 11:1-10; 12:12,29,30 10 # 6


18 The Passover of the Lord

19 1. Passover Hebrew. Pesach "To pass over“ “protect /defend”
Referring to the Angel of Death passed over the house of the Israelites.

20 Instructions during the night of the Passover
a. Prepare a one-year old lamb without blemish for slaughter

21 Instructions during the night of the Passover
b. Sprinkle some of the blood on the doorpost of their house

22 Instructions during the night of the Passover
c. Eat a meal of roasted lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs"

23 2.Jewish feast of Passover
- They reenact their "freedom day" with a ritual meal that follows the biblical descriptions of the Passover meal. When people celebrate, eat and worship, it becomes present and they participate in it. Reference to the past allows them to understand the present

24 3. Jesus Last Supper is the New Passover
Jesus also celebrated the Passover each year. His Passover meal is unique. He became the Paschal Lamb, offering his own body and blood for the forgiveness of sins.

25 Jesus becomes the Passover Lamb (Jn 18:28; 19:14) OLD TESTAMENT
Theological Allusion to the New Testament (New dictionary of Theology ) NEW TESTAMENT Passover of Jesus (MT 26:2) Jesus becomes the Passover Lamb (Jn 18:28; 19:14) OLD TESTAMENT Hebrew Passover (EX 12) Slaughter of the Passover Lambs

26 Significance: Freedom from sin Salvation to the world (JN 1:29, 36)
Theological Allusion to the New Testament (New dictionary of Theology ) NEW TESTAMENT Significance: Freedom from sin Salvation to the world (JN 1:29, 36) OLD TESTAMENT Significance: Freedom from Egypt

27 A new journey that goes beyond death to life (1Cor 5:7) OLD TESTAMENT
Theological Allusion to the New Testament (New dictionary of Theology ) NEW TESTAMENT A new journey that goes beyond death to life (1Cor 5:7) OLD TESTAMENT Preparation for a journey to the promise land

28 LUKE 22:19

29 4. The Eucharist celebration is the Christian Passover
Every time we celebrate Mass we reenact through the power of the Holy Spirit Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. The mass makes present Christ's perfect act of redeeming love.

30 The Crossing of the Sea The Crossing of the Sea is considered as the climatic moment in the Exodus Event. “To Israel it was not a freak of nature, but a sign of the saving presence of Yahweh in the midst, who used a power of the natural world to accomplish a saving purpose” (Anderson 79)

31 Prayer

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