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Take on these challenges & improve your knowledge of our world

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1 Take on these challenges & improve your knowledge of our world
Year 6 SCIENCE Project Take on these challenges & improve your knowledge of our world

2 Top tips Take photos of anything that you do or find.
Print these if you can and create a booklet about what you have done. Remember you cant be wrong, write down what you: See Hear Feel Smell Think

3 CREATING CRYSTALS Click here for a video on how to make salt crystals at home. TIP – add some food dye/colouring at the end to make coloured crystals. If the video link doesn’t work, check the next page for some instructions. EQUIPMENT SALT (sea salt is the best) A small glass/beaker Warm water A spoon Cotton thread A lolly pop stick or a pencil Food colouring A sheet of paper

4 Salt Crystal Method Create a saturated solution. Fill half of the measuring jug with warm water. Add a spoonful of salt to the warm water and stir Repeat until no more of the salt will dissolve (disappear) (optional) stir in some of the food colouring Pour the water into the small beaker Cut a 30cm length of the cotton and wrap half of it around the lolly pop stick/pencil Rest the stick/pencil on top of the glass. Make sure that the string is in the saturated solution. Cover the glass with the paper and wait. Check on the string after a few days to see what has happened.

5 Bug Hunt Head out into the garden, park or local wooded area.
Have a look around in the leaves, under pots, in the cracks between fences, rocks and playground equipment. Use a camera to zoom in on anything you find. Save the pictures!!! TOP TIPs - a white piece of paper will allow you to really see anything you find. Use a small glass to cover the ‘bugs’ you find so they don’t escape – remember to release them!! Keep a record of all of the bugs you find. Click Here for a guide to bug hunting in your garden

6 The Plasticine/Playdoh Boat
Start by looking for pictures of boats on the internet. Focus on a ‘1 man boat’ such as a ‘skiff’ Draw a sketch of the shape. Collect your lump of plasticine and roll it onto a ball. Fill the kitchen sink with water Drop the ball into the water. Remove the ball and dry it off. Mould the ball into a ‘skiff’ and see if you can make it float.

7 The Home-Made Lava Lamp
EQUIPMENT An empty jam jar Food colouring Cooking oil Water Alka-Seltzer tablets METHOD Fill a third of the jar with water and then add some food colouring Fill almost to the top with the oil, replace the lid and shake. Once it has settled (the oil should be on top and coloured water at the bottom) add a crushed Alka-Seltzer tablet

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