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Bellringer: Monday Pick up a calendar. Keep it out because we have to change a few things on it. Also pick up the blue and green EOCT review sheets. You.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: Monday Pick up a calendar. Keep it out because we have to change a few things on it. Also pick up the blue and green EOCT review sheets. You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: Monday Pick up a calendar. Keep it out because we have to change a few things on it. Also pick up the blue and green EOCT review sheets. You need a highlighter and a pen/pencil to take notes.

2 Bellringer: Monday Pick up a calendar. Keep it out because we have to change a few things on it. Set up your paper/note cards for wordpieces 4.4 notes.

3 Wordpieces 4.4

4 magn “large, great”

5 magnate noun An important, powerful person in business Synonym: baron
Antonym: employee

6 magnitude Noun Greatness of size, strength, or importance
Synonym: significance Antonym: unimportance

7 maxim “largest, greatest”

8 maxim Noun A brief statement that conveys a general truth
Synonym: proverb

9 min “less; to lessen”

10 diminish verb To make smaller; lessen synonym: reduce
Antonym: add to; build

11 miniscule adjective tiny Synonym: insignificant

12 minute adjective Extremely small; insignificant Synonym: microscopic
Antonym: enormous

13 micro “small”

14 microscopic Adjective Done with attention to small details
Synonym: painstaking Antonym: careless

15 microcosm Noun A small model of a larger pattern or place

16 mega “large”

17 megalopolis noun A very large city

18 megalomaniac noun One who believes him or herself to be all-powerful or indestructible

19 Extra Roots Plum = feather Prehend, prehens = take; grasp
Rat = think; calculate Rid, ris = laugh Sal = salt Sat, satis = enough Sent, sens = feel, think String, strick = draw tight; bind

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