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Strategic Plan update 2012-2017 Duxbury Public Schools April 5, 2017.

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1 Strategic Plan update 2012-2017
Duxbury Public Schools April 5, 2017

2 Overarching Goal 1 Give Academics A higher status
Expected Outcome #1: There is increased availability and access to a variety of professional development programs and the necessary funds to support those efforts. Expected Outcome #2: DPS has developed a culture that recognizes academics as a fun, exciting and prestigious activity. Expected Outcome #3: Collaboration is the standard approach for all academic- related activities. Expected Outcome #4: Duxbury has developed a culture that has high academic expectations in all activities.

3 District Creation of formal five-year curriculum review cycle to ensure all content areas remain current and continually updated through the District Curriculum Committee as well as through tools such as Atlas, an online interactive software for curriculum (2013-present) Expansive professional development opportunities within the district focused on technology integration (i.e. Tech Camp, Apple Core) and content specific training (i.e. math consultants K-12, reading K-5). (2013-present) Funding for professional development and resources driven by the curriculum review cycle and integration of technology (i.e. purchase of K-5 math program, grant funds for content specific training and operating budget line for department work) (2013-present) Apple Core, Schoology, Tech Camp, summer curriculum work Collaboration fostered through use of formal time including grade level and department meetings, staff meeting and professional development days (ongoing) Implementation of teacher-driven professional learning communities on a regular schedule within the school day (2016-present) focused on four guiding questions relative to student learning; leadership teams established at each school Ongoing discussion of meeting the needs of all students (i.e. RTI and HEAL programs), increasing rigor through higher order thinking and early discussions of personalized learning (membership in state level MAPLE consortium) (2013-present) Specific focus on creation of comprehensive K-12 health curriculum across all schools (2015-present) Ongoing discussions of student mental health, mindfulness and the balance of high expectations and student well-being (i.e. Calm Classroom, K-12 counselors) (ongoing)

4 Secondary Implementation of 1:1 technology as well as common Learning Management System, Schoology (2012-present) Collection of ongoing assessments including common assessments across departments and Assessments21 in math and social studies (ongoing) School wide professional development in writing across the curriculum (2015-present) Department based professional development has included consultants, content specific pedagogy, and technology focused professional development time that has aided teachers in meeting the expectations outlined by their program review. Professional development time has been strategically scheduled to include attention to building based, technology specific, and content specific opportunities. (ongoing) SS Review goals to implement more primary source analysis: DBQ Project Online- PD and online platform, Primary Source Starter Partnership (2015-present) Professional development workshops for English teachers on Shakespeare, poetry-writing, and personal content knowledge (ongoing), monthly English teacher presentations at department meetings on best practices including strategies for promoting effective student collaboration (ongoing) Professional development for World Language teachers in aligning curriculum to ACTFL proficiency standards (2015-present) Math focus on math practices through work with consultant and shift to program that supports vertical continuity across the middle and high school (2013-present) Science emphasis on inquiry model including implementation of Active Physics course in (2014-present) Extension of rigorous co-curricular activities for students Math Team and Math History Week have been initiated over the course of the past three years and have provided students with enrichment activities and opportunities to enjoy mathematics (2014-present) National Latin Exam given; students recognized for accomplishments at School Committee Meeting (2015-present)

5 elementary Development of school-wide assessments using technology to track student progress (ongoing) Conducted pilots and selection of Envision 2.0 Math; Implementation with fidelity (2014-present) Science Fair held every spring for students in K-5 (ongoing) Graduate level math courses focused on mathematical practices (2014-present) Professional development focus on best practices in reading instruction (2016-present) Reading specialists provide support to teachers on individual students while measuring progress SPIRE program purchased for support to RTI and special education (2015-present) Title I math tutors support students identified through data (2015-present) Writing resource, Empowering Writers, provided to teachers and supported through Atlas maps and summer curriculum work (2014-present) Science review conducted and action steps to begin integrating with literacy and align with new framework (2015-present) Social studies review conducted and action steps to begin integration with literacy while awaiting new framework (2016-present) Teachers do summer curriculum work to keep maps up to date, align curriculum to frameworks updates, develop assessments and units of instruction (ongoing)

6 Schools DHS Alden Chandler DMS
French and Spanish National Honor Society Responsive Classroom enVision 2.0 Academic Excellence Awards Collaboration PLC’s PLC Fifth Question Chandler DMS Incredible, Flexible You Social Thinking Academic Recovery to Handbook Hiring of Adjustment Counselor Credit Recovery Prior to Grade Level Promotion

7 Overarching Goal II Foster and support a curriculum that is robust, innovative, rigorous and relevant for all students. Expected Outcome #1: Technology and data used at all levels to improve instruction and prepare students to be college- or career-ready by graduation from high school. Expected Outcome #2: Teaching of literacy skills are an integral part of all content areas at every grade level. Expected Outcome #3: Project-based, real-world learning experiences are integrated into the curriculum.

8 DISTRICT iConnect (grades 7-12) individual student laptop program implemented in 2014 while expanding technology access to all students K-12; Apple Distinguished Program 2016 (2013-present) Ongoing review of data collection through assessments while discussing the purpose of the assessment and maintaining balance with instructional time (i.e. DDM’s, K-12 discussion of reducing assessment load) (ongoing) Creation of software data warehouse to provide longitudinal and interactive data option (i.e. TestWiz, Aspen) integration of online software (Atlas) to create living, interactive curriculum warehouse (2013-present) District-wide review of the writing curriculum leading to professional development and resources in all schools (i.e. Empowering Writers K-5, content based literacy 6-12) (2013-present) Content-based curriculum work across all schools to foster inquiry, project-based, real-world learning experiences (i.e. enVision 2.0, math practices, etc.) (2013-present) Provided technology fairs led by our staff members (2014-present)

9 Secondary/Elementary
Instructional Changes as as Result of 1:1 iConnect and Schoology Content Area Targeted Improvement and Professional Development Elementary Use of Variety of Purposeful Assessments Hour of Code participation

10 Schools DHS Alden DMS Chandler Project Based Physics Promotion of PBL
School Wide Focus on Student Writing Data and Progress Meeting Restructure DMS Chandler Geography Bee Chandler Courtyard Integration Across Subjects Shakespeare Assemblies Grade 8 enVision 2.0 Faculty Use of Academic Merit Restructure Chandler Support Team

11 Overarching goal iii Forge new ways to provide authentic collaborative experiences and opportunities for our students to become college- and career- ready and globally astute upon graduation from high school. Expected Outcome #1: Students collaborate with other students and experts from around the world.

12 District and schools District Alden DHS Chandler DMS
Technology access expanded to provide ease of access and connection to global connections Outdoor Learning Area Storywalk DHS relationships through Early Childhood Course DHS Chandler Guidance Curriculum Global Read Aloud DMS Mystery Skyping STEM Interact with NASA, Skype with Antarctica

13 Overarching goal iv Strengthen communication and partnerships with the community
Expected Outcome #1: The Duxbury community supports financial initiatives that strengthen the ability to provide quality instruction and sustained effective leadership at all levels. Expected Outcome #2: School officials will continue to cultivate and expand relationships and partnerships with local colleges and universities, businesses, agencies and town government. Expected Outcome #3: School administrators and faculty actively engage parents and family members in school culture of learning, safety and mutual respect.

14 District Expansion of formal partnerships with multiple community groups (i.e. Duxbury Education Foundation, The Parent Connection, Duxbury FACTS, Youth Health Connections, Duxbury Senior Center, Island Creek Oysters) (2012-present) Ongoing focus on school climate, student well-being and policies related to student wellness (2014- present) Efforts to foster communication with town officials through discussions with Finance Committee, Town Administrator and Finance Director (2012-present) Use of Social Media (2012-present) Weekly meeting with Town Administrator’s Cabinet (2012-present) Monthly meeting with all Town Managers (2012-present)

15 SCHOOLs DHS: Alden Senior Citizen Visits Dragon Deed RESPECT program
CSCI Survey RESPECT assemblies DMS Chandler DMS Students of the Week Courtyard Pond GREEN Initiative

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