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Helka Kekäläinen, PhD Project Leader

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1 Helka Kekäläinen, PhD Project Leader
Piloting Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Azerbaijan - AzSG Helka Kekäläinen, PhD Project Leader

2 EHEA Challenges for Azerbaijan
Comparable degrees > easier mobility, recognition etc. More international degree programmes (English taught) > opportunities for mobility, development of international and intercultural skills Renewal of curricula > working-life relevance, employability (stakeholder participation), lifelong learning, university and business collaboration, alumni work More focus on university pedagogics, learner-centred education More active student participation, students as active actors in HEIs, responsible for their studies ”Mobility for better learning”, more international cooperation, partnerships, peer learning activities, sharing good practice

3 Main principles and values of the ESG – European Standards and Guidelines
Twin-purpose of QA: accountability and enhancement Transparency and external expertise in QA processes Encourage culture of quality within HEIs HEIs have primary responsibility for quality and QA Efficient & effective organisational structures for provision and support of programmes Processes to demonstrate accountability Diversity and innovation Interests of society safeguarded

4 Main phases of the pilot evaluations

5 … in line with the ESG: Appointment and training of the international evaluation group Self-evaluation and compilation of other material by the higher education institution Site visit to the higher education institution The international evaluation group’s report Publication of the report

6 Composition of international evaluation group
Five members: 3 from Azerbaijan, 2 from Finland/Estonia Members represent different personnel groups at HEIs, and students The goal is to include a few individuals with prior experience in the external evaluation of higher education institutions Members and Chair appointed by Project Leaders; before appointment the HEI is given the opportunity to comment on the composition, especially from the perspective of disqualification Members are on an equal footing as evaluators Project manager from FINEEC/EKKA takes part in the team’s activities as an expert of external evaluation of higher education and supports the work of the committee

7 Support for the Self-evaluations
3 step by step trainings for the pilot institutions during the autumn term 2016 Pilot evaluations will take place in March-April 2017 Pilot institutions: Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Azerbaijan State University of Economics and Azerbaijan Technical University

8 Outline for Site visit

9 The site visit lasts three days.
The purpose is to verify and supplement the observations made based on the written material submitted by the HEI. The goal is to make the site visit an interactive event that supports the development of the institution’s operations. The project manager prepares a schedule of the visit in cooperation with the higher education institution, and in accordance with the wishes expressed by the evaluation group. The site visit lasts three days.

10 Photo by: Students from the University of Oulu

11 Outline for International evaluation group’s report

12 The report follows a standardised structure and covers:
The findings of the evaluation are summarised in a report, written collaboratively by the international evaluation group The report follows a standardised structure and covers: Description of the assessment process; Concise description of the higher education institution; Evidence, analysis and findings; Strengths and features of good practice; Recommendations for further development and follow-up action. The institution is given the opportunity to point out errors of fact before the report is finalised The report is published on Projects’s website

13 Drafting the AzSG Heli Mattisen, PhD

14 Drafting process Collecting analysing information about the state of affaires (existing regulations and reports, state strategy for education, interviews with stakeholders: academic staff members, students, MoE; discussions during trainings and workshops) Selecting people for the drafting group (participation in trainings; experience in internal and/or external QA; good English skills in order to work in an international evaluation group;; representatives of the Accreditation and Nostrification Office, MoE) Preparing the preliminary draft (in Quba, ) Presenting the preliminary draft to the Advisory Group Finalizing the AzSG for pilot evaluations (August-September)

15 Drafting group members
Ms. Elmira Ismayilova, Baku State University Mr. Ruslan Mammadov, Ganja State University Mr. Anar Naghiyev, Azerbaijan University of Languages Ms. Nargiz Mammadova, Azerbaijan University of Languages Mr. Tofig Ahmadov, Ministry of Education Mr. Afgan Abdullayev, Ministry of Education Mr. Sohrab Isayev, Azerbaijan State University of Economics Ms. Elmira , Ministry of Education, ANO Mr. Elshan Nuriyev, Ministry of Education, ANO Ms. Helka Kekäläinen, Finland Ms. Kirsi Hiltunen, Finland Ms. Heli Mattisen, Estonia Guest experts: Mr Natig Ibrahimov, Mr Emin Emrullayev

16 Drafting in Quba

17 Basic principles for drafting
Institutional approach with the focus on teaching and learning Reference to ESG Local needs and areas for improvement taken into account Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle Enhancement lead approach 11/01/2019

18 Focus areas for improvement
strategic management and internal quality assurance procedures development of learning outcome based study programmes in accordance with the needs of the economy, involvement of stakeholders student-centred teaching and learning, teaching methods assessment methods in line with intended learning outcomes; formative assessment of students research based teaching and learning internationalisation academic ethics

19 The aim of pilot evaluations
to support the strategic management of HEIs, to provide external feedback to the institutions’ own internal quality assurance procedures, to inform stakeholders of the compliance of the process and outcomes of teaching and learning to the European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in higher education.

20 1 Strategic and organisational management
The higher education institution has defined its mission and quality policy/values. The development plan of the institution is in accordance with the mission statement and quality policy, and takes into account national priorities and society’s expectations. The institution’s system of governance supports the implementation of the development plan in accordance with the mission statement and quality policy.

21 2 Study programmes (applied on 2 samples of study programmes from different academic units) The design and development of study programmes is in line with educational objectives of the institution, expectations of the society, labour market needs, and the latest research. The qualification resulting from a programme is in accordance with the national qualifications framework and ECTS principles.

22 3 Teaching and learning Teaching and learning takes into account the educational needs of students, provides flexible learning opportunities and encourages active participation of students in creating the learning process.

23 4 Research and development
The higher education institution has defined objectives for its R&D activities, measures their implementation, and ensures the link between research and education.

24 5 Academic staff Academic staff with adequate qualifications ensure the achievement of the objectives and learning outcomes of the study programme, as well as the quality and sustainability of teaching and learning.

25 6 Students The shift towards student-centred learning and flexible modes of learning and teaching are taken into account when allocating, planning and providing the learning resources and student support.

26 Thank you for your attention!

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