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Bio 255 SI Tyler Forero.

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1 Bio 255 SI Tyler Forero

2 Introduction When someone is talking to you, where do you look? (Mouth, eyes…?) What is your favorite season? How much sleep do you typically get? Have you broken any bones?

3 Review Unit 2 T or F: Cartilage has veins running through it.
T or F: Interstitial growth makes bones longer. Appositional growth makes the bone wider. T or F: intramembranous ossification develops the flat bones of skull, some facial bones and parts of a few other bones, but endochondral ossification develops most other bones. T or F: Fetal Skull has more bones than adult skull. F – it’s avascular T

4 Review Unit 2 Where is the primary ossification center located?
Where is secondary ossification located? Which type of ossification forms the skull? Long bone growth in length is accomplished by what type of ossification? Where does appositional and interstitial bone growth take place? – in the diaphysis (middle of long bones) Epiphyseal plate intramembranous(flat bones) and endochondral (most facial bones) – endochondral (forms most bones) App: width, periosteum and

5 What we will be covering
Zones of epiphyseal plate: “Real People Have Career Options” Axial skeleton vs Appendicular Characteristics of Bone Bones in Head, Spine, and Thoracic cage 1. Zone of Resting, Proliferating, Hypertrophic, calcified, Ossification.

6 Ossification Zone: - Bone Formation Zone Zone Zone Zone
Zone of resting cartilage – farthest from medullary cavity, nearest epiphysis, small chondrocytes in hyaline cartilage. Farthest from diaphysis (shaft/middle) Zone of Proliferating Cartilage – chondrocytes undergoing rapid mitotic cell division, aligned like stacks of coins. Zone of hypertrophic cartilage – chondrocytes not dividing, becoming enlarged. (hypertrophy = larger from more cytoplasm) Zone of calcified cartilage – deposited minerals (calcium) kill the chondrocytes and make matrix opaque. Zone of ossification – walls between lacunae break, forming channels that become invaded with capillaries and osteoprogenitor cells. Zone Zone

7 Axial vs Appendicular Skeleton
Appendicular = left: extremeties Axial = right: head and trunk

8 Bone Characteristics – Unit 2B-1

9 Label the parts of the skull
Parietal Suture Occipital bone Temporal bone Frontal bone Sphenoid bone Mandible

10 Skull What cranial bones have pairs?
The cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone does… Houses pituitary gland Allows optic nerve to pass through, from eyes to brain Allows the passage of olfactory nerves (smell) What do the sinuses do? What two bones hold the teeth? parietal, temporal C. Mucous lined in nasal cavity, moistens and warms inspired air. Mandible and maxilla.

11 Spine Intervertebral disks serve as ___ for the vertebral column.
Cervical- anterior curve (C1-C7) (breakfast 7am – cereal) Thoracic: posterior curve (T1-T12) (lunch 12) Lumbar- anterior curve (L1-L5) (Dinner 5pm) - slumber Sacral: posterior curve (S1-S5) (Dinner 5pm) Coccyx – little tailbone at bottom

12 Ribs True Ribs vs False Ribs vs Floating
T or F: True ribs articulate directly with vertebrae but not with the sternum True Ribs: pairs 1-7, articulate anteriorly with the sternum via costal cartilages (vertebra-sternal) False Ribs: Pair Aren’t attached to the sternum. Ribs 8-10 have vertebra-chondral articulation (attachment to the cartilage of rib 7) Floating ribs: pairs 11 and 12. F – False ribs


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