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Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Conference 2017

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1 Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Conference 2017
Be An Online Pioneer: Leveraging Advanced Resources to Promote Innovation in Online Course Delivery Kathleen Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Conference 2017 Friday, February 17, 2017 2:40–3:40 (15 minutes) Room: Blue Palm Abstract: Join instructional designers from the University of Central Florida as they share professional development techniques for implementing innovative strategies and resources into faculty development. These techniques include current trends in online teaching as available departmental services (e.g., adaptive learning, video, graphics, gamification, research, mobile course readiness, eTextbooks content possibilities and LMS support), campus resources (e.g., Library, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, and Faculty Multi-media Center), and open educational resources. This session will highlight how to share and implement available resources without overwhelming new and existing online faculty. Presented by: Kathleen Bastedo & Sue Bauer Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Conference 2017 Friday, February 17, 2017

2 Presented by: Sue Bauer & Kathleen Bastedo Go Knights!
Instructional Designers at University of Central Florida Go Knights! Kathleen

3 Agenda Introduction IDL7000 Content Overview Discussion/Q&A
CDL Services UCF Services External Services Discussion/Q&A Kathleen What is IDL7000? Goals: An internal goal for delivering IDL7000 is that the participants will familiarize themselves with resources available and utilize their instructional designer to make connections and assist with the design and development of these resources.

4 IDL6543 Content Kathleen IDL7000 has “content carry-over” from IDL6543 to update faculty on policies and procedures that may have changed since their completion of the course. Copyright Intellectual Property FERPA Accessibility Universal Design

5 Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) Services
Teams Professional Development Resources Tools Kathleen

6 Kathleen

7 Kathleen

8 Sue

9 Sue

10 UCF Services UCF Library Faculty Center for teaching & Learning (FCTL)
Office of Instructional Resources (OIR) Student Resources Sue Besides the Center for Distributed Learning, there are several other departments on campus offering support for online courses at UCF. Below are a few departments highlighted for their online resources. UCF Library Meet with a librarian to incorporate an electronic library resource into your online course Incorporate a library video Incorporate library graphic Embed a QuickSearch article in your course content Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) Attend Winter/Summer Conference Although FCTL’s focus is faculty support for face-to-face teaching, there is no longer a fine line differentiating an online or a face-to-face class. For this reason, you may use many of the FCTL resources to enhance your online course. We often collaborate with this office on various teaching initiatives. Office of Instructional Resources (OIR) Visit/use OIR’s faculty multimedia center (FMC) Use the Camtasia Studio Software Incorporate Lync, the Web Conferencing tool, into your course UCF Success Resources for Students Incorporate the UCF Success Resources page (e.g., in an orientation module or for assignment help) Visit the UCF Writing Center for a Writing Across Curriculum (WAC) consultation

11 External Services Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Open Educational Resources (OER) Emerging Technologies (ET) Sue Although the Center for Distributed Learning and the University of Central Florida have an abundant number of resources for their online educators, there are still resources outside of UCF that we would like to direct you to for your professional development needs.  Below are three main areas to review. Universal Design and Learning Create or adapt a course and assignment using UDL principles Open Educational Resources Research and embed/link to an applicable OER (e.g., a graphic, video, or content) Emerging Technologies Create activity and support plan for using an emerging/external technology Screencasting Social Networking Social Bookmarking ePortfolios 

12 Discussion/Q&A How many of you have offered specific professional development for teaching online? How many of you offer an “advanced” professional development course? Similarities? Differences? Sue

13 Contact Info Kathleen Bastedo Instructional Designer Sue Sue Bauer Instructional Designer

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