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2 Subject : English 2nd Paper Lesson : Sentence Connector
Teacher's Name : Sabiha Sultana Khanam Class : Nine Subject : English 2nd Paper Lesson : Sentence Connector Lesson Code : E-2/A


4 Ex: Shirin as well as her mother will join the party.
Step - 1 (10 Minutes) Connector is a word or phrase that introduces a clause or sentence and serves as a transition between it and a previous clause or sentence. Ex: Shirin as well as her mother will join the party.

5 REMEMBER Connectors are mostly conjunctions but there are other words too which join two sentences or clause in a text. They are called linking words or linkers.Popularly known as connectors. Ex: A Noun is the name of something. In other words, a Noun is a naming word.

6 Let’s see and remember how conjunctions/connectors/linkers are used
Step - 2 (15 Minutes) Let’s see and remember how conjunctions/connectors/linkers are used 1. Similarity— Likewise, similarly, in the same way, in this way 2. Contrast-- On the other hand, in contrast, however, yet, still, none/nevertheless, on the contrary,rather 3. Result— Therefore,thus, hence,accordingly, as a result, for this/that reason

7 4. Addition & listing-- also, besides, and ,further, moreover, furthermore, in addition, firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, lastly, last of all, at last 5. Time— at first, first, afterwards, then, later, in the meantime, meanwhile 6. Exemplification— for instance, for example, to illustrate

8 That is to say, that is, namely, in other words 8. Emphasis—
7.Explanation— That is to say, that is, namely, in other words 8. Emphasis— In fact, indeed, as a matter of fact, actually 9.Correction— Rather, to be more precise 10. Transition— As for, as to, with regard/respect to, regarding, in this regard

9 11.Summation/conclusion—
In summary, in brief, in short, to sum up 12.Other connectors— After all, by the way, generally, usually, any way, anyhow, all the same etc.

10 Evaluation (10 minutes) CW
Student life is the best time in life a)____almost every student is free from cares b)____ anxieties of life. He has nothing to do c)_____study. d)____a student, he should read novels, magazines, newspaper e)___textbooks.

11 Homework(1 Min) Study all the rules of sentence connectors thoroughly
Homework(1 Min) Study all the rules of sentence connectors thoroughly. Announcement of the next lesson and departure.(1 min) Next class will be on CV with cover letter.

12 Thank you

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