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School Champion Breakfast

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1 School Champion Breakfast
October 4, 2018 ~ Georgian College, Barrie Campus

2 Upcoming events Program Highlight Day – October 24 (Grade 11 &12)
After Graduation - April 24, 2019 (Grade 12 without clear career plan)

3 Dual Credits 18-19 Simcoe County

4 Fall 2018 Dual Credits--Barrie
15 seats, 14 students Basic Baking & Pastry Skills (SCDSB only) Night School 25 seats, 24 students Intro to Psychology, Day School 30 seats, 30 students Criminology, Day School

5 Fall 2018 Dual Credits-Barrie
15 seats, 13 students Introduction to Fitness & Health Promotion, Day School 20 seats, 14 students Ideas & Imagery, Day School

6 Fall 2018 Dual Credits-Barrie
Ethics & Issues and Lifestyle Management 18 seats, 18 students School within a College, SCDSB Conflict Resolution or Lifestyle Management general education 38 seats, 35 students School within a College, SMCDSB

7 Fall 2018 Dual Credits—other campuses
20 seats, 15 students Intro to Psychology, Day School, South Georgian Bay 20 seats, 19 students Interpersonal Skills, Day School, Orillia 16 seats, 16 students Developing Leadership, Day School, Midland

8 Winter Dual Credits

9 Winter 2019 Dual Credits-Barrie
17 seats, shared Experiences in Language Arts (ECE), Day School 15 seats, shared SMCDSB and SCDSB Basic Baking & Pastry Skills—Culinary Techniques, Night School 20 seats, shared Introduction to Marketing (Business programs) Day School

10 Winter 2019 Dual Credits-Barrie
20 seats, shared Intro to Sociology, Day School **NEW** 30 seats, shared SMCDSB and SCDSB Success in Health, Day School

11 Winter 2019 Dual Credits-Barrie
15 seats, shared Communications Essentials, Adult, Night School**NEW** 15 seats, shared SMCDSB and SCDSB Ethics and Issues, Adult, Day School 13 seats, shared Top Up , Adults, Day School

12 Winter 2019 Dual Credits-Barrie
38 seats Ethics & Issues or Conflict Resolution School within a College, SMCDSB 33 seats **NEW*** two sections Conflict Resolution and Customer Service School within a College, SCDSB

13 Note: No night school general education classes are planned for Barrie in either semester. Enrollment has been a challenge in recent years.

14 Winter 2019 Dual Credits-Orillia
20 seats, shared Family Sociology for Social Work , Day School 30 seats, shared SMCDSB and SCDSB Criminology, Day School

15 Winter 2019 Dual Credits-Midland
15 seats, shared Music in our Lives, Day School 16 seats, shared SMCDSB and SCDSB Ojibwe Language & Culture, Day School 18 seats Lifestyle Management School within a College, SMCDSB only

16 Winter 2019 Dual Credits-SGB
15 seats Environmental Concerns & Developing Leadership School within a College, SCDSB only 18 seats, shared SMCDSB and SCDSB Customer Service, Night School

17 Spring Dual Credits

18 Spring 2019 Dual Credits Engine Function & Design—shared, Midland
16 seats, Classes run in compressed delivery, one 6 hour day a week for 7 weeks Engine Function & Design—shared, Midland 15 seats, Classes run in compressed delivery, one 6 hour day a week for 7 weeks Plumbing Practical--shared, Midland 18 seats *one section only*Classes run in compressed delivery, one 6 hour day a week for 7 weeks Welding and Cutting--shared, Midland

19 Spring 2019 Dual Credits Electrical Installations—shared, Barrie
18 seats, Classes run in compressed delivery, one 6 hour day a week for 8 weeks Electrical Installations—shared, Barrie 20 seats, Classes run in compressed delivery, one 8 hour day a week for 7 weeks Basic Baking & Pastry Skills—SCDSB only, Barrie 18 seats *New* Computerized Numerical Control Applications--shared, Barrie

20 Spring 2019 Dual Credits Lifestyle Management—shared, Barrie
15 seats, Classes run in compressed delivery, one 6 hour day a week for 8 weeks Lifestyle Management—shared, Barrie 15 seats, Classes run in compressed delivery, one 8 hour day a week for 7 weeks Music in our Lives--shared, Barrie *NEW*

21 Looking for feedback on underperforming courses
Family Sociology for Social Workers Ideas and Imagery Intro to Marketing Basic Baking & Pastry Skills- Spring compressed Welding & Cutting Processes-Spring compressed Plumbing Practical-Spring Compresed

22 Important Dates Registrations received for Winter classes starting early December Semester 2 classes start week of February 11 Semester 2 classes end week of May 20 Registrations received for Spring Classes starting early March Spring Classes begin the week of April 22 Spring classes end the week of June 3 (7 week classes) or June 10 (8 week classes) Please advise students of the time commitment for spring—no room for absences

23 Why numbers matter Funding for dual credits is tied to
Actual students vs projections Retention rate Success rate Percentage of students who meet the primary target audience

24 Results 17-18 Central Lakes Regional Planning Team
Actuals: 92% Retention: 92% Success: 95% Students from the primary target audience “at risk, underachieving, but college capable”: 75%

25 Primary Target Audience: Disengaged and underachieving students who have the potential to succeed but are at risk of not graduating, and students who left school before graduating The student: has had numerous absences; has previously dropped out or is at risk of dropping out; is out of school but is reluctant to return to secondary school for non-academic reasons; displays a lack of involvement or engagement in school or community activities; sees little connection between secondary school and his or her preferred future; lacks confidence in his or her ability to succeed;

26 Primary Target Audience continued
The student: has fewer credits than average for his or her grade and is therefore not on track to graduate on time is older than other students in his or her grade was making progress earlier, but progress has slowed is demonstrating a decline in achievement or marks over time is unsure of his or her pathway beyond secondary school; is in need of career clarification

27 Website overview
Carolyn Cameron, Event Coordinator Georgian College

28 Dual Credit Recruitment & Retention Strategies
Dana Ramsay, SCDSB SCWI Coordinator Krista Barban, SMCDSB Student Success Consultant

29 Ideas for the future

30 Questions?

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