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Class of 2019 Course Selection

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1 Class of 2019 Course Selection 2017-18
Student Services Department Riverside Brookfield High School November 2nd & 3rd

2 Appointment Pass

3 Course Selection Dates for Sophomores
Begins on November 4th Ends on November 18th Be on time for your appointment Be prepared with a completed form

4 Course Selection Form

5 Post-Secondary Plans

6 Curriculum Guide A copy of the Curriculum Guide can be viewed and downloaded from the RB website.

7 Junior Year Classes 1.0 Credit in English/American Studies
1.0 Credit in Math 1.0 Credit in Science 1.0 Credit in U.S. History/American Studies 1.0 Credit P.E. or 0.5 Credit 2nd semester (if in Marching Band) .50 Credit of CAP Electives (World Language, Applied Arts, Fine Arts) Pay attention to graduation requirements Be sure to list alternative classes, especially P.E.

8 Graduation Requirements

9 Fulfilling Grad Requirements
*The Global Studies A or B graduation requirement may also be fulfilled by taking: Four years of the same world language in high school OR AP World History ***All students must take the Fine Arts Survey course, unless they fulfill the following requirements: Annually take at least a ½ unit within one area of concentration in the Fine Arts over their four years (music, visual arts, or dance/drama). OR A ½ unit of a performing art and an additional ½ unit of a visual art. See page 66 for eligible courses.

10 Elective Opportunities
English World Language Clarion Spanish Rouser French Debate German Creative Writing Heritage Speakers Film Studies Social Studies Urban Studies Psychology (Reg/AP) Sociology

11 Elective Opportunities
Applied Arts Fine Arts Business & Technology Music Family & Consumer Science Art Dance Industrial Technology Theater Technology Education Television Arts Production

12 New For 2017-18 Human Growth & Development Formerly - Family Relations
Baking & Pastry Formerly - Hospitality Group Fitness Formerly - Advanced Mind & Body

13 New Courses For Anatomy & Physiology – Must have a passing grade in Biology & Health Introduction to Heritage Speakers – Based on recommendation from the World Language Department

14 Recommendations Your current teacher made recommendations in the following subject areas: English (Regular, Honors, or AP) Math (Regular, Honors, or AP) Science (Regular or Honors) Social Studies (Regular, Honors, or AP) World Language (Level II, III or IV) Teachers may have suggested classes in: Applied Arts Fine Arts Wellness (Honors Leaders Training)

15 Level Change Request Form Returned to Counselor by January 31st

16 Taking a Rigorous Schedule
Junior year is a very important year academically. Colleges will use your 6th semester transcript for admission consideration. Consider your post-secondary plans 4-year college 2-year college Trade school Military Work

17 Summer School Opportunities
Summer School information will be posted on the RB website by mid-April. Any failed courses from previous years should be made-up in summer school.

18 Course Request Changes
Take selecting course for next school year seriously. “Change of mind” course changes will not be honored after January 27th Teachers may make level change recommendations after January.

19 Course Verification Letters
Course verification letters will be mailed home to families in late February/March. Students/parents will be given approximately 5 days to review their course selections. Verification letters are mailed only to ensure course selection accuracy. We are not able to honor “change of mind” course changes. Students should see their counselor if there is an error on the course verification letter.

20 Questions

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