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About Workshop: Aim of workshop Participants: (25?)

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1 About Workshop: Aim of workshop Participants: (25?)
Review the strategy (vision, mission, goals and key programs) of MuAN Prepare an interim/transitional strategy for the organization (MuAN) to make lobbying strong enough for ensuring local/municipal govt. as powerful entity in Federal constitution of Nepal. Participants: (25?) MuAN executive committee members from different political parties and staff Guests from VNG international, department of housing and building construction (DUDBC), ministry of local development (MLD), urban development training center (UDTC), urban development through local efforts programme (UDLE)/gtz and DED Experts/facilitators

2 WORKSHOP PROCESS Step 1: Short review in plenary on
Why we want to revised strategy of MuAN (vision, mission, goals, outcome...) 2 papers presented by MuAn officials Brief presentation on strategy formulation process (1 short paper presentation) Step 2: world cafe discussion Formation of 5 groups First part of discussion on reviewing vision 2nd part group discussed on mission Third part group discussed on goals

3 Strategic Planning Workshop: Defining vision, mission and goals "The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in which direction we are moving." – Oliver Wendell Holmes Maniram Singh Mahat

4 Ten Steps to Planning Excellence
Taken from

5 Where Do We Want to Go? Step 4: visioning.
A Vision statement outlines what the organization wants to be, or how it wants the world in which it operates to be. It concentrates on the future. It is a source of inspiration. It provides clear decision-making criteria. What makes a good vision? time horizon 1 decade or more (destiny) Positive and inspiring Guides policy Shapes organization's strategy Prepares organization for future

6 Where Do We Want to Go? Mission : A mission statement defines the organizations’s purpose. It tells why does the organization exist? A Mission statement tells us the fundamental purpose of the organization. It defines the customer and the critical processes. It informs you of the desired level of performance. The Mission Statement Tells “Who” Our Customers are? Explains “What” Customer Needs Our organization/company is Trying to Satisfy. Explains “How” Our Company will Serve its Customers . Based on Our Competitive Advantage Motivates and Inspires member/employee commitment Specific, Short and Sharply Focused

7 Module 2: Where Do We Want to Go?
Step 5: Setting goals A goal is a long-range aim for a specific period. Task 1 - identify key issues (concerns, problems, challenges, opportunities). Task 2 – assess issues (distinguish: cause – effect – outcome. For example - lack of job opportunities – out migration of young pop. – older, poorer, less attractive community). Task 3 – restate issues as succinct statements of objective.

8 Module 2: Where Do We Want to Go?
Step 5 – setting goals /objectives. Task 4 – organize objectives: separate means from ends, actions from objectives. Task 5 - develop SMART indicators of performance Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic Time dated Task 6 - priorities objectives.

9 Setting the context/environment:
Workshop objectives/rational - MuAN Existing status of MuAN strategy-MuAN Workshop process and outputs-Facilitator/s Open discussion among participants for common understanding on the workshop (contract?) Time table Group norms Process of discussion/participation

10 Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 Group 5

11 Final presentation to plenary
Group 2 Group 1 Group 5

12 Agreed Vision, mission and slogan
"Making cities autonomous, prosperous and self-reliant" Mission: "Promoting urban governance by ensuring rights and enhancing capabilities of municipal government to make cities autonomous, prosperous and self-reliant" Slogan: "MuAN for Municipalities"

13 Goals/objectives To lobby and advocate for guaranteeing autonomous local/municipal government in the new constitution. To develop MuAN as a pioneer institution for the promotion of urban governance by coordinating municipal governments and relevant stakeholders. To develop municipal governments as a capable and strong institution to provide urbans ervices effectively. To make municipal government transparent, responsive, accountable and inclusive for ensuring the urban good governance. To develop MuAN as a common platform for enhancing leadership information.

14 Outputs of the workshop
Vision, mission, and goals defined and agreed upon Key strategic programs reviewed A taskforce formed to write the "MuAN Interim Strategy based on workshop outputs Outputs used for following planning workshop...

15 Experience of using world cafe tool: What worked well?
Setting the context Creating fast rapport in smaller groups Exploration of creative questions and issues Every body shared and contributed in discussion Quicker fusion of diverse ideas within and among groups Feeling of collective discovery and contribution High degree of efficiency and effectiveness in envisioning and strategy reviewing exercise... of an organization ... "I was worried about talking this difficult subject matter earlier and had low expectation from the workshop. Now I feel we did a great job in a short time"- Ex mayor and MuAN chair person Mr. Doramani Paudel

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