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Medical Terminology The Digestive System.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology The Digestive System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology The Digestive System

2 Medical Terminology Combining form/word root Meaning abdomin/o abdomen
aden/o gland aliment/o nourishment/food an/o anus append/o appendix bucc/o cheek cec/o cecum cheil/o lip cholecyst gallbladder colon/o large colon dent/o tooth(teeth) duoden/o duodenum

3 Medical Terminology Combining form/word root Meaning
enter/o small intestine epiglott/o epiglottis esophag/o esophagus gastro/o stomach gloss/o tongue hepat/o liver ile/o ileum intestin/o intestine jejun/o jejunum lith stone or/o mouth pancreat/o pancreas

4 Medical Terminology Combining form/word root Meaning
periton/o peritoneum pharyng/o pharynx proct/o rectum sial/o saliva sigmoid/o sigmoid colon pepsia digestion lapar/o abdominal wall -stalsis contraction

5 Medical Terminology Appendicitis Appendic/itis
Inflammation of the appendix Cholecystography Cholecyst/o/graphy Graphic images taken of the gallbaldder  Colostomy Col/o/stomy Creation of an opening of some portion of the colon through the abdominal wall Dyspepsia Dys/pepsia Pertaining to digestive pain(indigestion)

6 Medical Terminology Dysphasia Dys/phagia
Inability or difficulty in swallowing Hematemesis Hemat/emesis Vomiting blood Gastroenterologist Gastro/enter/ologist Medical specialist in GI tract Laparoscopy Lapar/o/scopy Examination of the abdomen Peristalsis Peri/stalsis Contraction around or about(in digestive tract)

7 Medical Terminology Herniorrhaphy Herni/o/rrhaphy Repair hernia
Protoscopy Prot/o/scopy Examnation of the anus Define: emesis Vomiting Define: jaundice Yellow tissue(high bilirubin in the liver) What is a hemocult card? Checks for blood in the stool

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