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Business Work back 1950s Quiz Thurs Mar 16.

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1 Business Work back 1950s Quiz Thurs Mar 16

2 Homework 1950s Popular Culture assignment
Read pages in textbook Complete worksheet (front and back) research/find an example of 1950s pop culture TV show/commercial, movie trailer, comic, etc) Due Tuesday March 14

3 Life in the 1950s

4 In what ways were there “Two America’s” during the 1950s?
What was life like in the “Other America?”

5 Roots of “Other America”
Slavery- ~ Millions in bondage- no opportunity, literacy, success Reconstruction Freed blacks kept in poverty by laws, discrimination Limited opportunity for success Birth of KKK

6 Segregation as a System
Plessy v Ferguson, 1896: “Separate but equal” Federally legalized segregation Housing, education, public works, employment, etc Jim Crow laws De facto vs de jure segregation

7 Literacy Tests Towns/states gave black Americans “literacy tests”
“If you can’t read, you shouldn’t vote” Justification to keep blacks away from polls 24th amendment- taxes outlawed but practice continued Could you vote?

8 Anti-Black Prejudice KKK, lynchings Ex: Emmett Till
All over country, but more often in Southern states Ex: Emmett Till 14-yr old black boy, accused of flirting with white woman in Mississippi Beaten to death by two white men, found not guilty

9 Life in the 1950’s- Urban Poverty
White flight- millions of middle class white Americans left cities Took economic resources Isolated from other races / classes Rural poor migrated to cities Urban poor suffered

10 Life in 1950’s- Urban Renewal
Proposed solution- tear down rundown neighborhoods & construct low-income housing Not enough new housing was built for all displaced people Urban removal

11 Poverty Causes Activism
Mexicans- Longoria incident Native Americans- 1953- termination policy eliminated federal support Failed- poor training, racial prejudice Black Americans- Civil Rights era

12 Segregation in Education
“Black schools” and “white schools” White schools had: Better trained teachers Better and newer facilities More and better resources- books, desks, chalkboards, toys, etc Smaller classes

13 Resistance to Educational Segregation
Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 8-year-old Linda Brown Supreme Court unanimously struck down school segregation

14 Arguments against Integration
“They haven’t received the same education and will bring down the whole population- why should my child suffer for a political agenda?” “They will be a bad influence on my kids- they’ll bring disrespect, crime, drugs.” “I do not want my child to go to school with black people.”

15 Reaction to Brown v. Board
Many areas resisted desegregation Little Rock 9 AK governor sent National Guard to turn away 9 African American students Eisenhower sent troops

16 Montgomery City Codes Read three city codes (laws) from Montgomery, Alabama Answer the questions

17 Resistance to Segregation
Montgomery, 1955 Rosa Parks MLK-led bus boycott 1956- Supreme Court ended bus segregation

18 Segregation in America
The follow series of photographs show what life looked like for African Americans in the 1950s Take notes on each picture and the key topics of segregation that are discussed

19 Picture #1

20 Picture #2 Picture #2

21 Picture #3 Picture #3

22 Picture #4

23 Picture #5

24 Picture #6 Gerrymandering

25 Exit Slip On the top half of a sheet of notebook paper, answer the following questions: This lesson is called “Two America’s.” What does this mean? How did segregation affect the daily life of African Americans in the 1950s? Why do you think the Civil Rights movement started to gain momentum at this time? (What changed in the minds of Americans in the 1940’s?)

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