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Religion and Planet Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Religion and Planet Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion and Planet Earth
-Reflect on how, and why, the Earth is a source of awe and wonder!! -To consider the effect our lifestyle has on the environment. -To consider what responsibility we, as individuals, may have for the environment.

2 How does seeing the Planet Earth from space make you feel?
What different Philosophical questions can you raise from this picture?

3 Brahman Awe Wonder Sacred Oneness Divine creation

4 TED Talk on Polar Ice cap loss

5 “One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality” Albert Einstein.

6 Rabbi Heschel: Humanity will perish (become extinct) from a lack of appreciation of the world…rather than a lack of understanding of it.


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