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Let’s learn about a bird!

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s learn about a bird!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s learn about a bird!
- Written & photoed by Lee hyo sun -

2 Look ! What do you see? Is this a fan? or is this a leaf? No. Look carefully. This is a wing. Whose wing is this?

3 It's a bird’s wing. We can see birds often. There are so many kinds of birds in the world.

4 All birds have wings. Feathers cover a bird’s body. So, most birds can fly in the sky very well. But, some birds can’t fly.

5 For example, ostriches are huge birds.
But, they can’t fly. They can run very fast instead. Penguins are also birds. But they can’t fly. They can swim very well instead.

6 An ostrishe is the largest bird in the world.
A hummingbird is the smallest bird on earth. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. It has vey bright eyesight. Its eyesight is 25. How amazing! hummingbird

7 A penguin’s body is covered with waterproof feathers?
Do you know that? A penguin’s body is covered with waterproof feathers? This is how they survive long winter days in the South Pole.

8 A peacoke is a bird. It can’t fly. A male peacoke has very beautiful feathers. A duck and a goose are birds. They can’t fly. But, they can swim instead.

9 Most birds make a home. It is a nest. Birds lay eggs in nests.
Birds keep their eggs warm.

10 All birds hatch from eggs.
Baby birds can not fly. Parents birds feed baby birds. Most birds live in groups. Birds usually eat bugs, seeds and fruits.

11 A bird has two wings. A bird has a lot of feathers. A bird has two legs. A bird has a beak. A bird has a tail. Birds peck at food with beaks.

12 Some birds live in same place in life.
But , some birds move according to the season. They are migrant bird. A swallow, a wild goose and a crane are migrant birds.

13 Why do birds migrate ? Do you know it ? Birds migrate because they need food. They fly in a V-shape to travel on long-distance trips easier. They use the Sun and the stars to find their way.

14 The Life cycle of a bird baby bird adult bird eggs
Birds lay eggs in nests. baby bird adult bird Baby birds hatch from eggs. They can’t fly. Adult bird can fly. Parent birds feed the baby birds.

15 * The body part of the bird *
eye wing beak feather leg tail

16 << Activity >>
* Make a bird or a crane with a colored paper.

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