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Presentation on theme: "EMIS 7300 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS METHODS FALL 2005"— Presentation transcript:

Dr. John Lipp Copyright © Dr. John Lipp

2 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Session 2 Outline Part 1: Correlation and Independence. Part 2: Confidence Intervals. Part 3: Hypothesis Testing. Part 4: Linear Regression. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

3 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Today’s Topics Bivariate random variables Statistical Independence. Marginal random variables. Conditional random variables. Correlation and Covariance Multivariate Distributions. Random Vectors. Correlation and Covariance Matrixes. Transformations Transformations of a random variable. Transformations of a bivariate random variables. Transformations of a multivariate random variables. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

4 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Bivariate Data A common experimental procedure is to control one variable (input) and measure another variable (output). The values of the “input” variable are denoted xi and the values of the “output” variable as yi. An xy-plot of the data points is referred to as a scatter diagram if the data (xi and/or yi) are random. From the scatter diagram a general data trend may be observed that suggests an empirical model. Fitting the data to this model is known as regression analysis. When the appropriate empirical model is a line then the procedure is called simple linear regression. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

5 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Bivariate Data (cont.) n xi yi EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

6 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Bivariate Data (cont.) The line fit equation is where EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

7 Simple Linear Regression (cont.)
The slope of the linear regression is related to the sample correlation coefficient The calculation for r can be rewritten as EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

8 Simple Linear Regression (cont.)
r has no units. The value of r is bounded by 1. r = 1  the line fits the data perfectly. 0 < r  1  the line has a positive slope. r = 0  there is no line fit. 0 > r  -1  the line has a negative slope. r = -1  the line fits the data perfectly. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

9 Simple Linear Regression (cont.)
EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

10 Bivariate Random Variables
Consider the case of two random variables X and Y. The joint CDF is denoted FX,Y(x,y) = P(X  x, Y  y). The joint PDF is defined via the joint CDF where Expected value EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

11 Statistical Independence
X and Y are statistically independent if and only if, Statistical Independence has an effect on the expected value of separable functions of joint random variables EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

12 Marginal Random Variables
It is often of interest to find the individual CDFs and PDFs when two random variables are not statistically independent. These are known as the marginal CDF and marginal PDF. Marginal CDFs are straightforward, Marginal PDFs are found by “integrating out” y or x, EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

13 Conditional Random Variables
Conditional CDFs and PDFs can be defined, Rewriting the conditional PDF for X given Y This is just ____________________ for random variables! A similar equation holds for Y given X. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

14 Marginal Random Variables (cont.)
Consistent results are obtained if X and Y are independent, FX (x) = FX,Y (x,) = FX (x) FY () = FX (x) Find the marginal PDFs for fX,Y(x,y) = 2 when 0 < x < y < 1 and fX,Y(x,y) = 0 everywhere else. Are X and Y independent? 1 1 EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

15 Conditional Random Variables (cont.)
The definitions of conditional CDFs and PDFs are consistent when X and Y are statistically independent EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

16 Bivariate Guassian Random Variables
Let X and Y be jointly Gaussian, but not necessarily independent, random variables. The joint PDF is Note: EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

17 Bivariate Guassian Random Variables (cont.)
The marginal PDF of X ~ N( x,x2) and Y ~ N( y, y2). EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

18 Bivariate Guassian Random Variables (cont.)
Consider the case that the Gaussian variables are uncorrelated, that is, xy = 0. The joint PDF is then Thus, uncorrelated jointly Gaussian random variables are independent Gaussian random variables. This is a very important exception to the notion that uncorrelated random variables are not also independent random variables. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

19 Correlation and Covariance
The correlation between two joint random variables X and Y is defined as E{XY}. The covariance is defined as cov(X,Y) = E{(X - x)(Y -  y)} = E{XY} -  x  y = xy where  x and  y are the means of X and Y, respectively. X and Y are uncorrelated if and only if cov(X,Y) = 0. An equivalent condition is X and Y are uncorrelated if and only if E{XY} = E{X}E{Y}. This is not the same as independence! Two random variables X and Y are said to be orthogonal if and only if E{XY} = 0. Not the same as uncorrelated! EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

20 Correlation and Covariance (cont.)
Independent random variables are always uncorrelated cov(X,Y) = E{XY} -  x  y = E{X}E{Y} -  x  y= 0 The reverse is generally not true. x y Uncorrelated RV’s Independent RVs EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

21 Correlation and Covariance (cont.)
The correlation coefficient (normalized covariance) is The correlation coefficient is bounded, -1  xy  +1. xy = 0 if X and Y are uncorrelated. xy = 1 means that X and Y are perfectly correlated. xy = -1 means that X and Y are perfectly anti-correlated. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

22 Correlation and Covariance (cont.)
Although covariance describes a linear relationship between variables (if it exists), it does not give an indication of non-linear relationships between variables. The above distribution shows a clear relationship between the random variables X and Y, but the covariance is zero! y 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 x EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

23 Multivariate Distributions
When more than two random variables are considered, the various distributions and densities are termed multivariate. Joint CDF: FX1,X2,…Xn (x1,x2,…,xn) Joint PDF: fX1,X2,…Xn (x1,x2,…,xn) Conditional CDF: Conditional PDF: EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

24 Multivariate Distributions (cont.)
Marginal PDF: Expectation: Independence: EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

25 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Random Vectors Using vector notation is just as useful for random variables as it is in other engineering disciplines. Consider the random vector Define the “vector PDF” The CDF, marginal, and conditionals are similar. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

26 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Correlation Matrix Let X be an 1N random vector and Y be a 1M random vector. Then the correlation matrix, , is is known as the autocorrelation matrix. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

27 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Covariance Matrix Let X be an 1N random vector and Y be a 1M random vector. Then the covariance matrix is where and are the vector means of and , respectively. It is often more useful or more natural to write EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

28 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Covariance Matrix Let X be an 1N random vector and Y be a 1M random vector. Then the covariance matrix is where and are the vector means of and , respectively. It is often more useful or more natural to write EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

29 Covariance Matrix (cont.)
More interesting is the autocovariance matrix, The autocovariance matrix is symmetric because ij = ji . It is often more useful or more natural to write EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

30 Covariance Matrix (cont.)
Autocovariance matrix for uncorrelated random variables (ij = 0). Covariance matrix for perfectly correlated random variables (ij = 1). EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

31 Covariance Matrix (cont.)
Consider a random variable Y which is the weighted sum of N independent random variables Xi, …, XN The mean of Y is straight forward The variance is also straight forward EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

32 Covariance Matrix (cont.)
If the Xi are uncorrelated with different variances, then If the Xi are correlated with different variances, then EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

33 Covariance Matrix (cont.)
Let Y and b be M  1 vectors, A be an M  N matrix, and X be an N  1 vector, then Y = AX + b has the statistics Usually it is easy to generate X as uncorrelated random variables with unit variances (Cx = identity matrix). To generate Y with a desired autocovariance find the “square root” of Cy =AAT using eigenvector decomposition EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

34 Covariance Matrix (cont.)
Covariance matrix for uncorrelated variables. Covariance matrix after rotation  rotation for uncorrelated! How compute a sample correlation / covariance. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

35 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Gaussian Vector Let the elements of the random vector be mutually Gaussian. The PDF in vector notation is Determinant of  where is the mean and  is the autocovariance matrix of . If the elements are independent / uncorrelated (equivalent for Guassian only!) the inverse is trivial EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

36 Bivariate Guassian Random Variables (cont.)
Consider the case that the Gaussian variables are uncorrelated, that is, xy = 0. The joint PDF is then Thus, uncorrelated jointly Gaussian random variables are independent Gaussian random variables. This is a very important exception to the notion that uncorrelated random variables are not also independent random variables. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

37 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Transformation of RVs Use inverse transformation to show Z = X+Y thing is convolution. Use inverse transformation to show how to use uniform for generating other RVs. See 232 in Papuolis book. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

38 Transformations of Random Variables
Many of the continuous random variables from the previous session where defined as non-linear functions of other random variables, e.g., a chi-square random variable is the result from squaring a zero-mean Gaussian random variable. Here is how NOT to transform a random variable Let X ~ exponential, i.e., Define and substitute X = Y 2 into fX(x), But Y should be Rayleigh, ! EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

39 Transformations of Random Variables (cont.)
The reason the “obvious” procedure failed is that the PDF has no meaning outside of an integral! The correct procedure is to transform the CDF and then compute its derivative to get the transformed PDF. Let Y = g(X)  X = g-1(Y) be a one-to-one “mapping”, then For X ~ exponential and  X = Y 2 then The scaling factor  looks different from the Rayleigh PDF. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

40 Transformations of Random Variables (cont.)
Why is a one-to-one mapping is important? Let X ~ N(0, x2) and apply the transformation Y = X 2 (Y should be chi-square) The above “PDF” does not integrate to 1! Instead, it integrates to ½. What went wrong? Two points from X map into Y EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

41 Transformations of Random Variables (cont.)
In general, a mapping of X to Y with a function Y = g(X) must be analyzed by dividing g(X) into N monotonic regions (roots) and then summing the PDF contributions from each region The transformation Y = X 2 has two monotonic regions, X < 0 and X  0 (the equality belongs on the right). EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

42 Transformations of Bivariate Random Variables
The process is identical to that for a random variable except that the derivative operation is replaced with the Jacobian. Let Y1 = g1(X1, X2) and Y2 = g2(X1, X2). The joint PDF fY1Y2(y1,y2) is found with where EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

43 Transformations of Bivariate Random Variables (cont.)
Example: Let X1 and X2 be zero-mean, independent Gaussian random variables with equal variances. Compute the PDF fR,(r,) of the polar transform First, note that this transform is one-to-one. Second, the PDF of fX1,X2(x1,x2) is Third, the Jacobian is EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

44 Transformations of Bivariate Random Variables (cont.)
Substituting Thus R ~ Rayleigh with  = x2 and  ~ uniform [0,2]. Moreover, R and  are statistically independent. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

45 Transformations of Bivariate Random Variables (cont.)
The process of transformation of random variables has several important and useful results. A random variable U ~ uniform [0,1] can be transformed to any other PDF fX(x) with the transform X = FX-1(U). Exponential: X = -  ln(1 - U). Rayleigh: The only limitation is being able to invert FX(x). A pair of independent, zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian random variables can be generated from X1 = Rcos() and X2 = Rsin() where R is Rayleigh ( = 1) and  is uniform [0,2]. EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

46 Transformations of Bivariate Random Variables (cont.)
Let X1 and X2 be independent random variables and define Y = X1 + X W = X1 The transformation is one-to-one. The Jacobian is Thus fY,W(y,w) = fX1 (w)f X2(y-w). Integrating vs. w EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

47 Transformations of Bivariate Random Variables (cont.)
Let X1 and X2 be random variables and define Y = X1 X W = X2 The transformation is one-to-one. The Jacobian is Thus fY,W(y,w) = fX1,X2(y / w, w) / |w| and EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

48 Transformations of Bivariate Random Variables (cont.)
Let X1 and X2 be random variables and define Y = X1 / X W = X2 The transformation is one-to-one. The Jacobian is Thus fY,W(y,w) = fX1,X2(yw,w) and EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp

49 Copyright  2003-2005 Dr. John Lipp
Homework Mandatory (answers in the back of the book): EMIS7300 Fall 2005 Copyright  Dr. John Lipp


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