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Warm Up—What’s this cartoon about?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up—What’s this cartoon about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up—What’s this cartoon about?

2 The Bad Part of Big Business
A new unskilled industrial laboring class faced low wages, chronic unemployment, and unsafe jobs Examples: - didn’t mark high voltage wires - locked fire doors - toxic fumes emitted in factories Cheaper to let workers be injured/die than to improve safety—so they often did. Economic growth occurred, but had costs.

3 Progressive Era & Business
Teddy Roosevelt President who helps break up trusts (monopolies) “Square Deal” required regulating business Ida Tarbell A “muckraker” who takes on Rockefeller Government investigates Standard Oil and break it up Upton Sinclair Wrote “The Jungle” Meat Inspection Act passed in response

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