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Landscapes -the general shape of the land Arches National Park, Utah

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1 Landscapes -the general shape of the land Arches National Park, Utah Doone Valley, England

2 I. Types A. Plains-Lowlands 1. Usually composed of horizontal, sedimentary rock, has a low elevation and generally level surface with little change in slope. 2. Streams meander over a broad flood plain.

3 B. Plateaus-Uplands Medium elevation, steep to gentle slopes, horizontal sedimentary bedrock. 2. Streams have a high velocity with rapids and meanders.

4 C. Mountains-Highlands
1. High relief(distance from highest to lowest elevation), distorted bedrock, usually igneous or metamorphic. 2. High elevation, streams have a high velocity.

5 II. Forces that Shape the Earth
A. Uplifting Forces(Constructive)- they build up the Earth and enlarge the surface area of continents. 1. Folding/Faulting 2. Earthquakes 3. Volcanoes

6 B. Leveling Forces(Destructive)- they
decrease the elevation of the Earth’s surface. Subsidence or sinking of the land. Weathering Erosion

7 C. Climate Factors 1. Humid regions have rounded hills, more vegetation.

8 2. Arid regions have angular landforms, very little vegetation.
Monument Valley State Park, Utah

9 D. Bedrock Types -resistant vs. non-resistant E. Time- landscapes change in elevation and relief the longer they are exposed to the atmosphere.

10 III. Stream Drainage Patterns
-found on gentle sloping landscapes-PLAINS A. Dendritic

11 B. Radial- streams flow down a mountain side.

12 C. Trellis -forms in areas that have undergone faulting or folding.

13 D. Annular- found on domed mountains with resistant bedrock and erosion.


15 IV. Other Facts About Landscapes
Boundaries between landscape regions show a distinct change in elevation. Madison, NY SE of Syracuse

16 B. The majority of NYS landscapes have
sedimentary bedrock. C. The Adirondacks are metamorphic rock and the oldest bedrock in NYS. D. Long Island is mostly gravel from glacial till and is the youngest bedrock in NYS.

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