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Driving & Vehicle Maintenance

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1 Driving & Vehicle Maintenance
Funeral Operative Unit OP3

2 Learning Outcome: The learner is able to:
Maintain vehicle according to the requirements of your company Clean vehicle according to the requirements of the company Drive a hearse in a cortege using good cortege driving and road user practices Drive a limousine in a cortege using good cortege driving and road user practices Take appropriate action in the event of breakdown or accident

3 Servicing Ensure vehicles are serviced in accordance to the manufacturers recommendations by a competent garage with qualified mechanic Ensure vehicles 3 years old or more have a regular M.O.T test

4 Battery Batteries have a life of around five years
If your premises are close to the Crematorium or Cemetery and you seldom make a long journey, a fortnightly overnight charge prolongs battery life

5 Flat/Damaged Tyres and Wheels
Know the correct pressures for different speeds and loads, and adjust accordingly Kerb impact can damage sidewalls and, possibly wheel rims. Both can result in slow leaks When checking tread depth, look for uneven tyre wear – the wheels may be misaligned (tracking)

6 Flat/Damaged Tyres and Wheels
Look at the spare tyre - a worn or flat spare won't be of use in an emergency Check that the jack and wheel-removal tools are in good condition and that the key or removal tool for locking wheel nuts are accessible Is you vehicle equipped with ‘run flat’ tyres?

7 Engine Oil Check the dipstick at least every fortnight and before any long journey

8 Brake Fluid The brake fluid level should be regularly checked to ensure it is at the maximum level Brake fluid is highly corrosive, make sure it does not drip onto the paintwork of your vehicle but if it does, wash it off immediately with water

9 Water Check the coolant level regularly and top up as necessary – but only when the engine is cold Have the antifreeze concentration checked before winter Antifreeze not only prevents the coolant from freezing but also prevents the build-up of corrosion within the cooling system and so is important all year round

10 Lights Check all lights weekly – don’t forget indicators, brake and fog lights Clean lights regularly - in bad weather wipe them over with a damp cloth during driving breaks

11 Wiper Blades Are not just to secure a Parking Ticket- they wear down over time and smear the windscreen if they become worn Replace them at least once a year for best performance

12 Screens Inspect the screen regularly for stone damage and always replace a cracked or chipped screen as soon as possible Any damage may impair vision or distract attention Minor chips can grow and crack the glass although some can be repaired A crack or chip can cause an MOT failure

13 Screen Wash Check and top up regularly – it's a legal requirement that the system works Use a good screen wash additive through summer and winter – water alone won't clear oily road grime and freezes more readily in winter

14 Bodywork Deal promptly with damage to bodywork to prevent rust setting in Many cars have extended bodywork warranty schemes, which may require annual inspection at the dealer - check that any previous owner has kept records up to date. Don’t forget to check that any new products are entered into your COSHH register

15 Toolkit Check the handbook for the location of the basic toolkit for the car that should contain at least a jack and wheel removal tools Familiarise yourself with the jacking points used to lift the car safely If locking wheel nuts are fitted make sure that the toolkit includes the key or removal tool

16 Evidence required for portfolio
Show evidence of maintenance requirements for their vehicle Make routine check of vehicle assuring road worthiness Suggested forms of evidence: Observation by 3rd party Witness testimony Written (essay style) Journal of maintenance checks (& signed by a manager)

17 Vehicle Cleaning HEARSE AND LIMOUSINES Hoover interior
Dust & polish interior panels and surfaces Polish windows, inside & out Sweep & polish deck Wipe & clean all mats

18 Vehicle Cleaning HEARSE AND LIMOUSINES Polish all vehicles as required
Keeping vehicles clean and polished with a good quality product helps to preserve the body work

19 Vehicle Cleaning REMOVAL VEHICLE
Interior should be cleaned with disinfectant/anti-bacterial cleaner Also clean all equipment, trolleys and stretchers

20 Fault Reporting All faults must be reported immediately to ensure that they are rectified as soon as possible Adopt your firm’s fault reporting procedure

21 Garage Facilities Keep tidy Equipment in good order Clean environment
Safe storage First aid kit Adequate lighting Suitable flooring COSHH Register

22 Evidence required for portfolio
Describe or show the correct methods of cleaning the outside of cars effectively and efficiently Describe or show the correct methods of cleaning the inside of cars effectively and efficiently Follow company H&S procedures to ensure good housekeeping and safety measures Suggested forms of evidence Written (essay style) Photos with descriptions Witness testimonies

23 Cortege Driving Hearse Driver Limousine Driver
Maintain cortege at all times Plan and know route Timings are important Limousine Driver Follow Hearse closely but safely Deal with the family Know the return destination

24 Cortege Driving At the house:
Cars should be driven slowly when arriving and leaving Hearse should be positioned directly outside (where possible) Take instructions from conductor regarding placing of vehicles/tributes Do not carry more than two floral tributes at a time

25 Cortege Driving Leaving the house: Close doors quietly
Close tailgate of hearse very slowly If mourners or clergy sit in front of a limousine be polite and courteous, avoid ‘chatter’

26 Cortege Driving The Journey: Ensure private cars are kept together
Take special care when pulling out of turnings Hearse driver should use mirrors to watch and wait if necessary

27 Cortege Driving The Journey: Be a courteous road user
If you have to use a motorway, consider your speed – find a balance between a dignified and respectful speed and causing a 20 mile tail back on a major road network Irritation at you, may cause another road user to become careless

28 Cortege Driving On arrival:
Drivers should wait for conductor’s signal before opening doors for passengers to disembark Any questions or comments from a client should be referred to the conductor

29 General Driving Observe law at all times Courteous
Speed Mobile phones Seat belts Smoking Traffic signals Child car seats Courteous Representing company at all times

30 Evidence required for portfolio
Describe the responsibilities of a hearse driver Describe good road user attitudes and conduct towards other road users in order to maintain the cortege Describe the responsibilities of a limousine driver Describe the appropriate conduct to the bereaved Describe the procedures to be followed in case of a vehicle breakdown Describe the procedures to be followed in case of a road traffic collision Suggested forms of evidence written essay style List and note form information Witness testimony (including information described)

31 Any questions?

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