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Working better together: the challenge of effective and economic international curriculum collaborations Dr Claire Hamshire, Dr Deborah O’Connor, Dr Rachel.

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Presentation on theme: "Working better together: the challenge of effective and economic international curriculum collaborations Dr Claire Hamshire, Dr Deborah O’Connor, Dr Rachel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working better together: the challenge of effective and economic international curriculum collaborations Dr Claire Hamshire, Dr Deborah O’Connor, Dr Rachel Forsyth, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Dr Ursula Hyrkkanen, Mr Esa Barland, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland

2 Internationalisation
“… the process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions or delivery of post-secondary education” Knight, J. (2003) Picture selected by participant in international summer school for staff

3 Challenges Lack of mobility Professional bodies Regulatory differences
Custom and practice

4 Chapter 1: once upon a time…
Picture of a rainbow over Manchester

5 Chapter 2: workshop Picture of workshop on ferry

6 Chapter 3 Meeting


8 Chapter 4: Summer School
Images from Flickr

9 Success factors Similar institutions Similar professional outlooks
Supportive faculty deans Formal letters of invitation/memoranda of understanding Scaffolding of existing partnerships


11 Working in partnership with colleagues from TUAS has challenged me to consider my practice and reflect on current models of healthcare in the UK be willing to go to your borders of comfortability, and beyond. You are creating something new many times and there is no steps to step in

12 Working with Esa has been inspiring and refreshed my enthusiasm and motivation to improve all learning experiences for our students it is a joy to have “problem” and solve it together.

13 Coming soon… Good practice resources Connections hub

14 Contacts Claire Hamshire, @clairehamshire
Rachel Forsyth, @rmforsyth

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