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Models of Abnormality & Treatment

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1 Models of Abnormality & Treatment
Abnormal Psychology

2 Biomedical Model Main point:
Mental illness etiology is physical, biological, genetic Strengths: Recognizes _____________ Recognizes biology

3 Weaknesses: Minimizes environment Implies __________ Sx relief focus Drug & tx side effects

4 Biomedical Txs Electro convulsive therapy (ECT) -Bilateral ECT
-Unilateral ECT Psychosurgery (rare cases) ________________ -most popular

5 Psychoanalytic Model Main points: Over determined behavior
Developmental approach _______________ stages Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, & Genital

6 Unconscious Individual ________________ Psychic structure Id, Ego, Superego Defense mechanisms e.g., Repression, Denial, Projection

7 Strengths: Recognizes environment (childhood & social) Recognizes individual __________ Focus on underlying problem, not just sxs

8 Weaknesses: Nonverifiable concepts Minimizes personal control Biases against women Relied on restricted population (wealthy Viennese women) Complicated Long tx

9 Psychoanalytic/dynamic Tx
Psychoanalysis, Ego analysis, Psychodynamic therapy Insight Free association Dream interpretation _______________

10 Humanistic-Existential Model
Main Points: Needs & values Self actualization Importance of choice

11 Strengths: Emphasizes capacity to change Posits self-regulating nature Recognizes individual complexity Recognizes perceptions Includes personal strengths

12 Weaknesses: Minimizes _____________ Minimizes differences between disorders Nonverifiable

13 Humanistic-Existential Tx
“To find yourself” Client centered therapy Gestalt therapy I-language __________ chair

14 Cognitive Behavioral Model
Main Points: Cognitions Learning history

15 Strengths: Environment & individual interaction Cognitions Ability to change Provides new coping strategies

16 Weaknesses: Not concerned with etiology No focus on large envir. changes Focused on sx reduction Appropriate for problems that are: clear behavioral immediately accessible _________

17 Behavioral Tx Classical conditioning techniques:
Systematic desensitization In Vivo, imaginal exposure ___________ Aversion Therapy

18 Operant conditioning techniques:
Contingency Management Skills Training Assertiveness training Social problem solving Parent training Modeling Time management

19 Cognitive Behavioral Tx (CBT)
Cognitive therapy (Beck) Cognitive triad: ______________ Rational emotive therapy (Ellis) Irrational beliefs

20 Family System Model Main Points: Disturbance in family, social context
Family interactions are complex

21 Strengths: Recognizes system (envir.) Less indiv stigma Weaknesses: Resistant, unchanging system __________________ Bio disorders Levels beyond the family

22 Family/Social Systems Tx
Couples Therapy Family Therapy Group Therapy

23 Group Tx Psychoeducational Experiential Self-help

24 Socio-Cultural Model Main Point: Emphasis on larger societal context

25 Strengths: Recognizes effects beyond ind. Emphasizes ______________ Weaknesses: Ind. problems, bio problems Assumes changes trickle down to ind.

26 Socio-Cultural Tx Primary Prevention Secondary Prevention
Tertiary Prevention

27 Government Action 1965- Surgeon general's warnings on all packages
1971- broadcast advertising banned 1990- smoking banned on buses & domestic flights 1994- Mississippi filed 1st of 22 state lawsuits for smokers' Medicaid bills 1998- Cigarette industry: $251 billion to state gov.s

28 Public Anti-Smoking Campaign

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