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China During the Tang & Song Dynasties

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1 China During the Tang & Song Dynasties
China under Tang dynasty, 700 China under Song dynasty, 1142

2 I. Beyond Ancient China 220 – Han dynasty collapses
For 350 years afterwards, more than 30 dynasties attempt rule 589 – Emperor Wendi reunites China, beginning the short-lived Sui dynasty Restored strong centralized government Won critical support of neighboring nomadic military commanders Lowered taxes, built granaries to ensure a reserve food supply Son, Yangdi, assumes throne in 604 Focused on Confucian-based education system, brought back examination system for incoming bureaucrats Construction of Grand Canal – increased trade/economy Led a life of extravagance, assassinated in 618 CHALLENGE QUESTION!

3 II. Tang Dynasty ( ) China was saved from political and social turmoil by Li Yuan and son, Tang Taizong Founded the Tang dynasty Reconquered northern and western lands lost after fall of Han, expanded deep into central Asia Restoration/expansion of bureaucracy Expanded civil service exam – established Ministry of Rites to oversee training of bureaucrats Open to all men, but only wealthy could typically afford the necessary education Education/position in gov’t became more important than nobility Scholar-gentry class became more dominant and powerful than old aristocratic families

4 II. Continued… Empress Wu Decline of Tang dynasty
First and only woman to assume the title of Emperor in China Began by ruling behind the scenes of her husband and sons Used harsh tactics, secret police to put down opposition Promoted Buddhism throughout empire Thought Buddhism would bring legitimacy to reign After Wu, severe backlash against Buddhism by Confucian and Daoist scholars Decline of Tang dynasty Had trouble controlling vast empire Nomadic invasions, economic distress, internal rebellions Last emperor of Tang dynasty forced to resign in 907

5 III. Song Dynasty ( ) China once again divided after Tang dynasty Emperor Taizu (Zhoa Kuangyin) reunited much of China, proclaimed himself first Song emperor Smaller empire than Tang, no control over western lands, lost northern lands Nomadic peoples of north a constant problem Eventually pushed south of Huanghe (Yellow River) Continued focus on Confucianism Neo-Confucians – argued that virtue was obtained through learning Despised foreign philosophical systems, such as Buddhism Social harmony arose from keeping place and rank, strictly patriarchal

6 III. Continued… Slow decline
Northern nomadic invaders and lack of military focus began to take its toll 11th century, imperial advisor Wang Anshi brought sweeping reforms in an attempt to keep dynasty from collapsing Issued cheap loans and irrigations projects to encourage agricultural expansion Taxed landowners and scholar-gentry class Used money to build-up military Late 11th century, neo-Confucians gained power in gov’t, reversed Anshi’s reforms CHALLENGE QUESTION!

7 III. Continued… Slow decline continued…
Economy began to deteriorate, social unrest increased Territory pushed south by northern kingdoms, became known as Southern Song dynasty Lasted another 150 years, but eventually fell to the Mongols

8 IV. Advances in Technology & Knowledge
During Tang & Song era, many innovations and advancements occurred Junks – large Chinese ships, used for trade, establishing tribute systems Movable type – movable, carved blocks could be arranged for printing Gun powder – originally for fireworks, led to bombs, canons, etc. Improved cultivation of rice and other agricultural improvements lead to population growth Trade takes a more prominent role in society Silk Roads, later ocean routes increase trade/contact Paper money (flying money) reduced risk for merchants Helped economy and spread of culture

9 V. Big Social Changes China becomes more urban
Ten cities with over 1 million people Changes to social classes Scholar-gentry – larger upper-class emerges Passing civil service exam ensured special social status (jinshi) Could wear certain clothing, exempt from corporal punishment Family name still greatly influenced positions and success “Middle class” – merchants, skilled artisans, minor officials Peasant farmers still represented largest class Status of women declined Neo-Confucians pushed for male dominance of family and society Feet binding – became sign of wealth, prestige

10 CHALLENGE QUESTION #1 Discuss the importance of Emperor Wendi’s accomplishments. Why was each one key to unifying China once again? 3-4 complete sentences BACK

11 CHALLENGE QUESTION #2 Why do you think the Neo-Confucians actively opposed Anshi’s reforms? What historical context can you apply to your reasoning? 3-4 complete sentences BACK

12 Exit Ticket What did the Sui dynasty do that helped bring China back to prominence? What role did the Neo-Confucians play in society? What innovations took place during the Tang & Song era? Describe and explain at least one social change from the Tang & Song era.

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