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Icon Sachs The story The Background

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2 Icon Sachs The story The Background
Switzerland has been the hot spot for investment bankers and brokers for a very long time. It is where financial people meet and where new investment concepts are born. In the year 2000 some sophisticated investors met at an investor’s event in Geneva, Switzerland. Among this group, two gentlemen from Switzerland had worked for large investment banks and hedge funds, one had experience from the trading floor in Frankfurt, and two more were asset managers working out of Dubai. These gentlemen agreed to join in an effort to create what they believe was the best investment product they could, with the focus on for high returns and yet well balanced risk. They created a structured product with a leverage element. Creating the Education packages The group decided to put together a combination of such elements and parts into a Structured Leverage Product: A combination of bank guarantees and bonds in the base, but with a big portion of leverage products on the top. - The Bank Guarantees and Bonds would serve to create preservation of capital. - The Leverage products – which are best suited for those investors that have an appetite for large profits, as using Leverage effect enables high returns to be achieved with a relatively low deployment of capital. They tested the product with some of the investment banks in Geneva with a fantastic reception. The group formed the internal project “Icon Sachs Sophisticated Investors of Dubai” in 2010 and invested own money. For several years now, they have used and refined this product with a great level of success. The persons who are invited to take advantage of such investment products have always been a selected group of high net worth individuals who are able to invest large amounts. The average person most likely have never even heard of such opportunities. Making it available to the public In 2015 they decided to make the information about these products available to the public. Icon Sachs Ltd was formed in Dubai, UAE, and education packages were created based upon the experience and track record of the already successful products, and are now sold from To get the fantastic education product and packages out to the market, they hired professional sales force experts who advised them to use controlled sales force and retail network technology in order to distribute the products. The power of word of mouth has become more and more accepted as the superior method to efficiently spread a marketing message all over the world, also used by the largest corporations in the world. The experts put together a plan for compensating retailers and networkers (Bonus plan) and advised on some people who they should contact to be part of the start and that would be responsible for the mass distribution using retailers, networkers and the power of the global networking. It is with great pleasure we recognize that you have given us your confidence and have chosen to become a part of our members team. Together we will make sure Icon Sachs can grow to change many lives. In the year 2000 some sophisticated investors met at an investor’s event in Geneva. The group decided to put together a combination of such elements and parts into a Structured Leverage Product: A combination of bank guarantees and bonds in the base, but with a big portion of leverage products on the top. They tested the product with some of the investment banks in Geneva with a fantastic reception. The group formed the internal project “Icon Sachs Sophisticated Investors of Dubai” in 2010 and invested own money. In 2015 they decided to make the information about these products available to the public. Icon Sachs Ltd was formed in Dubai, UAE, and education packages were created based upon the experience and track record of the already successful products, and are now sold from



5 iPic Investment Pool Icon Sachs Investment Policy
Icon Sachs Investment Pool “iPic", is the result of the Icon Sachs founder’s many years’ of experience in investments with Structured leverage products, which uniquely enables the possibility to earn high returns with a relatively small investment. By using a mixture of financial elements with bank guarantees and bonds in the base, but with a big portion of leverage products on the top – and gather them under one and the same umbrella, we have a Structured Leverage Product!  By using several products in this fashion, with a leverage element and combining them with a diversification strategy, enables a well risk/profit balanced product to be achieved that has very good returns, that can perform for long time. - The Bank Guarantees and Bonds would serve to create preservation of capital. - The Leverage products – which are best suited for those investors that have an appetite for high returns – would serve to generate the larger profits, as a leverage element enables high returns to be achieved a relatively low deployment of capital. iPIC INVESTMENT POOL *) : - Structured product with multiple elements  - High use of leverage elements - Balanced high risk level - Compounding starts after 3 months Icon Sachs Investment Policy Icon Sachs Ltd treats you from day one as if you were already rich. Did you know that most of the really profitable investment schemes are only available for the rich people in the world? The average guy who are only able to invest minor amounts are not invited to take part in the most profitable investment opportunities. Icon Sachs has changed this and we invite all our members to take part in a pool where we together will be strong and treated as one rich investor. This opens up opportunities for our members which would otherwise be impossible for them to benefit from. Icon Sachs have made an investment program which has shown a fantastic ROI (return on investment) since 2013. The ROI has been all up to 40% per month (calculated with compounded effect) for this period **) The development of your investment is shown daily on your member page. You can easily invest, take out profit or terminate your investment according to Icon Sachs terms and conditions. Icon Sachs wants to be responsible and to teach you to be responsible as well. Therefore we have set limits to how much our members may invest in our pool. We want to educate our members and to help them grow sustainable wealth. But in all investments there is an element of risk. And normally potentially high profit investments hold a higher element of risk. The main advice is therefore: Never invest more than you can afford to lose. Disclaimer *) All investments entail risks and YOU ARE AWARE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU CAN LOSE THE WHOLE INVESTMENT. There is no guarantee that investment strategies will achieve the desired results under all market conditions and each investor should evaluate its ability to invest for a long term especially during periods of a market downturn: Note that past performance is never a guarantee of future profit and all results given are only indicative an may not reflect the reality. **) Calculated on the average per month, 12 months, from the time when compounding effect starts. Indicatively flat monthly interest (without compounded effect) is 16%. ***) Please note that stopping your investment in the trade, exiting iPic and transferring the funds back to the master account, for further transfer to your account, can take up to 30 days.

6 PROJECTED RESULTS – iPic Investment Pool


8 Icon Sachs Referal program

9 = €922 into your Account €87.75 x 14 =
Left Right Package: Price: Binary Points Bonus value 1 € Pts €8.55 2 € Pts €42.75 3 € Pts €87.75 4 € Pts €159.75 € €307 (25% into your Investment account) = €922 into your Account €87.75 x 14 =



12 SHORT VERSION OF CALCULATED EXAMPLES OF Extra Education Bonus, generation 1 and 2
Calculations are based on the indicated flat monthly interest rate. First 3 months without compounding interest are taken into account. You: Education package 3: Passive Income: 9% from 1st generation´s positive ROI Passive Income: 6% from 2nd generation´s positive ROI You sponsor 8 Investors buying Education package 3 (€975) Those 8 Investors are all investing maximum amount of €4.000 in iPic Those 8 Investors sponsor 2 Investors each, buying Education package 3 Those 16 Investors are all investing maximum amount of €4.000 in iPic YOU After: E E Bonus Gen E E Bonus Gen 2 E E Bonus gen 1 + gen 2 6 months € € €17.608 12 months € € €62.205 18 months € € € 24 months € € €

13 Qualify for a super bonus pay-out in January 2016 based on
achievements during October, November and December 2015. World Top 10 Club Those members who are building the largest balance in the Binary each month, will share 5% of the profit on the return of iPic worldwide Country Top 10 Club The 10 leaders who are building the largest balance in the Binary each month, will share 5% of the profits on the return of iPic in that specific country. As a member you can qualify for the World Top 10 Club at the same time as you are qualified for the Country Top 10 Club in one or several countries simultaneously.


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