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Whatever Happened to Sin?

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1 Whatever Happened to Sin?
Sin has been at the root of the problems of mankind from the beginning. Do we still believe this? Do we even know what sin is in postmodern America? This lesson examines attitudes toward sin in postmodern America and contrasts them with what the Bible tells us about the nature of sin and its consequences. If we fail to see sin for what it is, we will fail to see our real need for a Savior.


3 Have Americans lost the notion of sin?
“87% of U.S. adults believe in the existence of sin which is defined as ‘something that is almost always considered wrong, particularly from a religious or moral perspective.” (Ellison Research) “People are quick to toe the line on traditional thinking that there is sin but interpret that reality in a very personal and self-congratulatory manner – I have to do what’s best for me; I am not as sinful as most.” (David Kinnaman, president of Barna Research)

4 Have Americans lost the notion of sin?
“Popular evangelist Joel Osteen never mentions sin in his TV sermons or best sellers such as Your Best Life Now. Osteen told Larry King in an interview. ‘Most people already know what they’re doing wrong.” “Instead of violating the law of the Creator, it becomes more a matter of etiquette… The end result is that when we do things we wish people wouldn’t do, there’s no sense of guilt or shame.” (Albert Mohler)

Adultery: 81% Racism: 74% Using "hard" drugs, such as cocaine, LSD: 65% Not saying anything if a cashier gives you too much change: 63% Having an abortion: 56% Not reporting some income on your tax returns: 52% Reading or watching pornography: 50% Gossip: 47% Swearing: 46% Sex before marriage: 45% Doing things as a consumer that harm the environment: 41% Smoking marijuana: 41% Getting drunk: 41% Gambling: 30% Not attending church or religious services regularly: 18% Drinking any alcohol: 14% Source: Ellison Research, August 2007

6 WHAT IS SIN? Bible Definitions
“The devising of foolishness is sin…” (Proverbs 24:9) “… whatever is not from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness” (I John 3:4) “All unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not leading to death” (I John 5:17).

7 The Nature of Sin Has Not Changed From the Beginning (Genesis 3)
Sin is self-will and rebellion (Isaiah 65:2) Sin is shame and reproach (Prov. 14:34; Jeremiah 8:12) Sin is stubbornness and pride (Judges 2:19-21) Sin is separation from God (Isaiah 59:1-4) Sin is why we need a Savior (Galatians 1:4)

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