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Bicarbonate in CKD with Acidosis trial

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1 Bicarbonate in CKD with Acidosis trial
January 2012 Dr Miles D Witham

2 Why is it being done? Mild degrees of metabolic acidosis are common in advanced CKD, and are often treated with bicarbonate Evidence for beneficial effects on outcomes is very limited There are potential side effects from the sodium load in bicarbonate therapy Pilot RCT (Barts, London) suggested slower progression of renal impairment in treatment group; younger pts, few outcomes Specific commissioning call from the NIHR HTA

3 What is the BiCArb trial?
Multicentre double-blind, placebo controlled RCT Comparing oral bicarbonate vs placebo In patients aged 65 yrs and over With CKD stages 4/5 and acidosis (serum bicarb <22mmol/L) 2 yrs of therapy (0.5 to 1g tds bicarb) 380 patients across 6 or more centres

4 What will be measured? Measurements will be taken at 0,3,6,12 and 24 months Primary outcome: Short Physical Performance Battery Muscular - Grip strength Renal – change in creatinine, cystatin C Quality of life (EuroQoL, KDQoL) Health economic analysis Safety: Adverse events, blood pressure

5 Bone and vascular substudy
150 patients (Dundee and Aberdeen) Vascular: Arterial stiffness (tonometry) B-type natriuretic peptide Bone: DEXA (bone mineral density and whole body composition) TRACP-b, Bone specific alk phos

6 Key points relating to trials in older people
‘Organ-specific’ – but designed around older people Function and quality of life are key outcomes; HTA accepted our arguments around this Accepted a relaxed approach to exclusion criteria Commissioning brief gave detailed parameters to follow; we followed them Dual network adoption Will provide us with a template for future applications Sponsor accepts relaxed approach to event reporting Helps to build infrastructure, collaborations and experience for future trials

7 Thankyou for listening For further details, see:

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