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Preliminary Design Review

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1 Preliminary Design Review
FUAVA Team: H. Kyle Bygott Jack Elston Stephan Esterhuizen Kiran Murthy

2 Project Background FUAVA = Fire-monitoring Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Avionics Monitor and downlink meteorological data in real-time from above wildfires Creation of avionics system for UAV Conceptual idea began Spring 2002 Interdisciplinary project with ASEN/CS 1/12/2019

3 Overall System 1/12/2019

4 High-Level Functionality
Overall design: distributed system CAN bus Main flight computer Interface boards Modular design allows addition and removal of individual components Capstone: Construct generic interface boards Set up small proof-of-concept system 1/12/2019

5 Capstone Focus 1/12/2019

6 Capstone System 1/12/2019

7 Capstone System To be completed for Expo: If we have time:
2 Interface boards: Gyro Interpretation Servo Control If we have time: R/C Interpretation Flight Computer Extra flash memory onboard Systems not implemented by Expo can be simulated by a PC 1/12/2019

8 Testing Each module can be separately tested from the rest of the system A PC will be interfaced with the CAN bus, allowing monitoring and control of all bus activities Emulation code run on PC can emulate missing components Stepwise system integration will allow problems with individual components to be debugged. 1/12/2019

9 Capstone Focus 1/12/2019

10 Interface Board 1/12/2019

11 Interface Board Convert different types of protocols to universal CAN bus RS-232, I2C, Analog Programmed to communicate with individual instruments FUAVA Protocol High-level packets sent over CAN bus Example: “Rate gyro 2 reads 45o attitude” CAN supports single-cast, multi-cast and broadcast 1/12/2019

12 Interface Board Software
Using GNU GCC Cross Compiler Support for C/C++ Must still make software architecture decision Round-Robin with Interrupts Real Time OS (AVRX, ~1kB) CVS will be used for configuration management 1/12/2019

13 Software Continued… Driver libraries will be written in such a way that it abstracts hardware as much as possible Allows CS and other Engineers to easily write interface-specific software for the distributed AVR microcontrollers 1/12/2019

14 Marketability “In modern UAV aircraft avionics systems, it is important to provide the ability for upgrades and modifications.To provide this functionality, a modular design approach is critical.” Kahn, Aaron D. The Design and Development of a Modular Avionics System 1/12/2019

15 Marketability Industry is looking for distributed system to control UAV Modular systems exist but are limited by “closed design” PC104 systems (most prevalent) require building a stack of PC104 boards—spatially inconvenient An avionics system that could modularly integrate COTS components would be invaluable Cost Effective Easily Upgradeable 1/12/2019

16 Marketability ASEN wants CU to be top in UAV research
Need a flexible and easy-to-use avionics system Current available avionics systems require more than the desired one year project duration to integrate FUAV + FUAVA will constitute platform for future CU UAVs Projects would be more prolific and further advanced 1/12/2019

17 Prime System Cost Interface Board: $163.00 ATmega128L: $17.00
PCBs: $120.00 CAN controller: $4.00 CAN transceivers: $2.00 Miscellaneous: $20.00 1/12/2019

18 P.O.C. Additional Cost TOTAL P.O.C. COST: $839.00
Gyros: $100.00 R/C Equipment: $100.00 Servos (3): $150.00 Interface Boards (3): $489.00 COTS Avionics system: $ Many components have already been acquired personally and through UROP funding 1/12/2019

19 Schedule 1/12/2019

20 Schedule Issues 1/12/2019

21 Schedule Issues Schedule issues overcome by:
Allowing ample testing time Prototype test Overall system test Allotting generous amount of time to creation of initial wire-wrapped prototype 1/12/2019

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