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Español – 2018 Srta. Keely Hansen

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1 Español 2 2017 – 2018 Srta. Keely Hansen
Prep Period: 1st Period @srtahansen How will I be graded? Español 2 Learning Targets Language Level Goal: Novice High INTERPRETIVE - I can understand familiar words, phrases & sentences that I hear & read. INTERPERSONAL - I can ask & answer simple questions using phrases, simple sentences, and memorized language on familiar topics. PRESENTATIONAL - I can present basic information in speaking and writing about familiar topics. REAL WORLD WORK - I can use Spanish outside of the classroom in real world settings. Participation and Classwork (25%) Tests and Quizzes (35%) Homework and Projects (40%) … more about grading Tests and quizzes – usually there will be two pop quizzes and one test for each chapter. Test corrections – there are NO test re-takes, but test corrections are available. You will need to meet with Srta. Hansen if you want to do test corrections. Homework – expect minutes of homework each night. Homework goes in your spiral notebook. Homework is due the following day and collected at the end of each chapter. Projects – there is usually one summative or formative project assigned each chapter. Participation and classwork – this includes speaking Spanish in the classroom whenever possible, and completing warm-ups and any in-class activities. Extra credit – if students do especially well on an assignment, they will be awarded extra credit and hung on the Trabajo Excelente wall. Late work – late projects will be dropped one letter grade. Late homework is not accepted. Students are expected to make up tests or quizzes the following school day if they are absent. What will we do in Spanish class? In Spanish 2 we will focus on the grammar used to talk about the past. We will use this through culturally-based units and project-based learning. We will watch El Libro de la Vida, which is rated PG What do I need to be successful for class? Something to write with (pen or pencil) A spiral notebook to be used only for Spanish class Use this spiral notebook to hold homework and notes A Spanish section in your 3-ring binder to hold graded assignments you wish to keep Textbook and workbook can be left at home What will I do to get there? Arrive on time! Three tardies is equal to one absence. The goal is to move forward in our proficiency, so: Arrive to class prepared to learn everyday With all necessary materials With technology put away (my room is a no charging zone) If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the class website to see what you missed before speaking to Srta. Hansen. We will do our own work. This means we will not plagiarize or use online translators to translate entire assignments. If you are stuck, ask Srta. Hansen for help or use a Spanish dictionary (I recommend We will have a supportive and positive learning environment where everyone helps each other learn and grow. Let’s have a great year! - Srta. Hansen (Spansen)

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