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Basics of Body Composition

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1 Basics of Body Composition
Chapter 5

2 Questions to answer What are the different body types?
How can we determine if our body weight is in a healthy range? What is a healthy weight range? What is the minimum amount of fat percentage? What is fat used for? What are the overfat and obesity percentages? How to evaluate body fat percentages? How do we lose, gain, or maintain body weight?

3 Body Types - Heredity

4 Your Body Weight Lean Body Weight – combined weight of bone, muscle, and connective tissue Body Mass Index – height to weight 5th percentile = underweight 85 percentile = overweight How can a person determine if his or her weight is in a healthy range?

5 Body Composition Relative percentage in your body of fat to lean body tissue Body Fat Weight = total weight – lean body weight Body Fat % = body fat weight ÷ total body weight

6 Body fat Overweight – condition where person is heavier than standard weight range M>20% F>25% Obesity – medical condition in which person’s ratio of body fat to lean muscle is excessively high M>25% F>32%

7 BODY FAT Excessive Leanness – having a body fat percentage that is below acceptable range Overfat – carrying too much body fat for age and gender

8 Essential fat Minimum amount of body fat necessary for good health
Insulates Cushions provides energy Teen Males = 7-19% Teen Females = 12-24%

9 Energy equation Calorie Intake= total calories consumed
Calorie Expenditure= total calories burned Fewer calories in, more calories burned = lower body fat % Vice versa

10 Resting metabolic rate (RMR)
Amount of calories burned at rest Metabolism – process of converting food to energy Affected by: Gender Age Heredity Eating Habits Eliminating Calories Physical Activity

11 Evaluating body composition
Girth – distance around body part Males=waistline Females=hips How else can we measure?

12 Measuring body composition
Skinfold – calipers Hydrostatic Weighing (most accurate) Bod Pod Bioelectrical Impedance

13 Hydrostatic Weighing Bod Pod Skin Fold
Bod Pod Skin Fold

14 Maintaining healthy body composition
Evaluate your needs Be realistic Design personal plan Become physical active Keep track of your progress

15 Nutrition and physical activity
How many calories to lose 1 pound of fat? 3500 calories/week 500 per day How can we accomplish this?

16 Weight control Weight Loss – Reduce Calories, Increase exercise
Nutrient Dense Food = High in nutrients to calories (veggies, fruits, whole grains) Weight Gain – More calories same physical activity Weight Maintenance – Healthy eating with exercise

17 Benefits of achieving weight goals
Increased energy Increased self-esteem Reduced stress levels Reduced risk of developing diseases

18 review What are the different body types?
How can we determine if our body weight is in a healthy range? What is a healthy weight range? What is the minimum amount of fat percentage? What is fat used for? What are the overfat and obesity percentages? How to evaluate body fat percentages? How do we lose, gain, or maintain body weight?

19 References Rainey, D. and Murray, T. “Foundations of Personal Fitness.” McGraw-Hill Companies. Glencoe. Woodlands, CA

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